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(Austin Carlile + Oliver Sykes)

I looked around me. The busy people reading magazines, newspapers, running around, on their phones waiting for their subway to arrive.

Little did they know, they were about to witness a murder. A murder. I'm the murderer. The victim is my mind. Sometimes, to live, we have to kill off part of our minds. I tried. Now, I just have to kill myself.

With my mother passing, my dad leaving me, and the death of my dog, I couldn't handle it. I couldn't handle the weight of the world being put on my shoulders.

The screeching of a subway coming through caught my attention. I breathed in deeply and exhaled slowly. I looked forward and started sprinting towards the platform. People started screaming as they saw me jump. My right side was filled with pain.

"Someone call an ambulance!"

The last thing I saw... Was my clock. Ticking away, slowly. I surely thought my clockmate would live forever alone, now.


I sat on my balcony,
watching people go by. I have done this for the past three years. I can't really go anywhere besides my house, considering I haunt it. People have come and gone, including my step-parents. They moved out, probably glad they have one less mouth to feed.

"Oliver, hurry your ass and grab some boxes!" I heard a woman shout. I jumped off the balcony to the busy street below. I looked at the front and saw movers helping people with their furniture. Huh. Someone finally moved in again.

I floated up to the apartment and into my old room. I waited in the closet, hoping to scare someone. I saw the back of a boy with dark brown hair, and a tattoo peeking out from the top of the neck of his dark blue sweater.

I walked out of the closet and tapped his shoulder. He gasped, and turned around. He then looked at his wrist and I realised that both of ours were going off.

Beep, beep.

Beep, beep.

Beep, beep.

Beep, beep.

"Who are you?" A thick British accent flowed out of the handsome boy.

I grabbed his collar and smashed our lips together. He brought his hands to my face and kissed me back tenderly.

"I'm Austin." I told him as I pulled away.


"Oliver what're you- oh." I looked over to see a woman standing in the doorway. "Oliver... Who's this?"

"Mom, this is my clockmate. Austin." Oliver beamed at her. The woman's eyes widened as she stared at me. "What's wrong, Mom?"

"Austin Carlile?" Oliver's mom asked me. I nodded and she backed away a little. "Oliver get over here."

"What? Mom? Why?" Oliver frowned.

"Just get over here."

"No, Mom. He's safe. He's my clockmate."

"I promise I will take care of your son, Miss." I said calmly.

Oliver's mom tensed up and stated, "You committed suicide three years ago."

Oliver turned and looked at me, jaw agape. "Is that true?" I sighed and nodded. "Do you haunt the house?" I nodded. "Why haven't you been put to rest?"

"I never found my clockmate. Not until now." I smiled warmly at him. Oliver practically melted under my gaze.

"Oliver Scott Sykes, get over here! Austin is dangerous!" His mother was fuming.

"So, you're a ghost?" Oliver asked me, ignoring his mom. I nodded. Oliver looked at his mom and said, "Mom, I love you. But you know the rules. I have to be with my clockmate. At my funeral, I only want you, Dad, Tom, both Matts, Lee, Jordan, and even Jona. I love you guys."

Oliver pushed past his mother and up to the roof.

"What are you doing?" I asked him, confuzzled.

He smiled widely at me, his snake bites stretching. "I have to be with you. And I can't be fully until I die." I realised what this meant.

"You're gonna kill yourself for me?" I asked him. Oliver nodded, still smiling. And just like I did, he ran towards the edge.

And he jumped. Just to be with me.

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