Yellow Diamond x Blue Diamond

53 1 1

Suggested by: CartoonCat45425

I don't like this ship, because to me I see them more so as sisters rather then lovers. Besides, Yellow and Blue are the complete opposites. Blue gets depressed easily, Yellow gets enraged quickly, so I can't see them as lovers.

Besides, I'm sure White enforced a rule of "no cross-gem lovers" and technially Yellow and Blue are two types of gems. Sure they may be both Diamonds, but their opposites. I got that from the fact they didn't support fusions like Garnet and Opal.

It was quite clear they despised fusions when Stevonnie was made during the ball, and when Garnet was first formed. Even in Era 3, I still can't see them as being lovers.

So, overall:

Romantically: 0/10
Platonically: 6/10

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