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(Ship: Lapis Lazuli x Peridot)
(Other ship names: Lapiperi, Perilaz, Laziperi)

I. Hate. This. Ship. It's the bane of my entire love for Steven Universe. This ship is literally the most overrated ship in the ENTIRE fandom, along with Stevinel (Disgusting!), basically any Steven x Gem ships, Amedot, and Spinearl. Not to mention Rubapphire even though I like it.

Ship rating: 0/10

Lapis and Peridot have had moments, but most of the time it's just angsty, toxic moments like in the episode "Barnmates". Like, do people like this for the toxic moments like Jaspis shippers do? I mean, I've seen Lapidot fics and they've turned out to be really excellent. Very well-written, nice plot, characters within their characters... but the actual ship is literally what I see as the Steven Universe's ripoff version of Bakudeku ships, like Jaspis. I don't know why this is a ship.

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