Fatherly Intuition

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  » A grand adventure is about to begin.

"[Name]? Are you okay?"

The female doubled over the toilet bowl waved her hand over her shoulder, signalling to her boyfriend that she was okay. Rin came up to her and put a hand on her shoulder, frowning as she let out another almighty heave and spewed out what little was left in her drained stomach.

[Name] coughed out the last remnants of gunk in her mouth and wiped her mouth with the back of her hand, grabbing toilet paper and wiping where her aim had gone amiss.

"I'm fine, I'm fine!" assured the [h/c] woman, flapping her hands at Rin to go away as she discarded the soiled toilet paper into the basin. "Really, I am."

Rin frowned even more, backing away as he let [Name] continue her clean up. He narrowed his eyes at her back, and kept them narrowed until she turned around. Seeing Rin standing there almost glaring at her from the doorway, [Name] raised an eyebrow in response, puzzled by his facials.

"What?" she asked questioningly, flushing the toilet and making her way to the sink. She applied foamy hand-wash before turning on the tap, looking into the mirror at Rin's reflection over her shoulder. He was now rubbing his chin as if deep in thought, eyes deep in thought.

"You've been vomiting for a while now," he pointed out, making [Name] shrug.

"And?" Rin straightened up, arms dropping to his sides.

"'And?' [Name], you're pregnant!"


𝐂𝐀𝐋𝐋 𝐌𝐄 𝐃𝐀𝐃𝐃𝐘 | rin matsuokaWhere stories live. Discover now