The Night Shift

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» Birth is not only about making babies.  Birth is about making mothers... strong, competent, capable mothers who trust themselves and know their inner strength.

Shizuka's cries rang through the household, and [Name], who had barely laid down for mere minutes, was up and at her side in an instant. She rose from her bed beside Shizuka's crib, breathing deeply and pulling her loose hair away from her face as she leaned down to nurse her child. It was a schedule she had slowly begun to get used to, nevertheless a tiring one. Yet day after day, [Name] pushed on, pushing away Rin's attempts of help. Shizuka was her main priority, and if it meant sacrificing a few hours of sleep, then she would gladly do it. For the sake of her child.

"Shh, hey," murmured [Name] softly, drowsy as she picked up the wailing newborn. "You're not so quiet any more, are you?"

"Let's swap." [Name] lazily looked over her shoulder to see a stretching Rin standing in the doorway, yawning. She raised an eyebrow in a daze. still rocking Shizuka back to sleep.

"What?" Rin, seeing the disoriented look on [Name]'s sleep deprived face, chuckled and made his way to her side. He urged for her to hand Shizuka over to him, nodding at her. In a confused state, [Name] gave Rin a perplexed look, resisting the final hand over of their daughter.

"Rin, what...?" As Shizuka began to stir from the change of hands, Rin gently bounced her to sleep while hushing [Name] with his free hand.

"Shh," he said, placing a finger over his lips. "You go to sleep. I'll take care of her." A muddled [Name] resisted, shaking her head and getting to her feet.

"N-no, I can't..." She raised her arms to receive Shizuka from the Matsuoka, but Rin turned away from her, blocking Shizuka from [Name]'s sight.

"[Name]. honestly, it'll be alright," said Rin in a reassuring tone. "Now come on. To our bed."

"Not until she's sleeping." Rin chuckled, and within minutes, Shizuka had fallen back into her deep slumber, while a neurotic [Name] watched on weakly, the dark circles under her elegant eyes clearly visible for the whole world to see. Rin gently set Shizuka back into her crib, making sure not to disturb her. Finally, [Name] rose to her feet, grinning anemically at her boyfriend.

"If she wakes up again, call me, okay?" she instructed as Rin accompanied her back to their bedroom in the dark. He merely smiled at her.

"No," he admitted truthfully, guiding her to the bed. "I won't. Just don't worry." Before turning around to fall onto their bed, [Name] faced Rin, wrapping her arms around his neck in a tight embrace.

"Thank you," she whispered quietly into his ear, smiling as she drew away from him. Rin kissed her on the forehead before gently lifting her up and placing her onto the bed, pulling the blankets out from under her and tucking her into the volumes of sheets.

"Good night, [Name]," he said softly, kissing her one last time before making his way back to Shizuka's room. On his way out, he firmly shut the bedroom door; knowing [Name], the slightest noise would have her aroused and at Shizuka's side, and that wasn't what he wanted. 

She had been working so hard in the weeks following Shizuka's birth that she'd been neglecting her sleep, and now, all Rin wanted was for her to take care of herself as much as she'd been taking care of Shizuka. After all, it was only fair that he play his part in her upbringing as well. [Name] already did the hard part of pushing her out; now, he had to help shoulder the responsibility of looking after their child. And if it meant late night shift after late night shift, then Rin would be all too happy to do it as long as it meant [Name] didn't suffer alone.

𝐂𝐀𝐋𝐋 𝐌𝐄 𝐃𝐀𝐃𝐃𝐘 | rin matsuokaWhere stories live. Discover now