The Name Game

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» Pregnancy is a very creative phase for me.

"Ah! What about a name in another language, huh? Wouldn't that be cool, Rin?" [Name] was chatting animatedly with her shark toothed boyfriend as they lay in bed one night, the only light source being the lamp on the bedside table drawer by [Name]'s side of the bed. [Name] was lying flat on her back, hand gently rubbing her tummy in circles, while Rin was snuggled up to her, hand over hers.

"Maybe starting with a list would be helpful before exploring the world in search of a perfect name?" chuckled the Matsuoka, placing a tender kiss on [Name]'s jaw. She sighed, and looked over at him with bright eyes.

"Okay, okay," she said, grinning. "How about girls' names? Are there any in particular you fancy?" Rin frowned, trying to think.

"Not sure, actually. You?" [Name] snorted and shrugged.

"I swear, I had list upon list of baby names when I was like five, but now all of them seem to have flown out of my head..." chuckled [Name], making Rin smile.

"Ah. Prepared in advance, I see," he laughed, pulling [Name] closer to his slim, muscular body. She giggled and relaxed into his embrace, staring at the darkened ceiling.

"I remember there was this one name I took a liking to... it was a Hawaiian princess's name, but I can't remember... Nahi... Nahi something?"

Rin laughed.

"Nahi?" [Name] shrugged, unable to remember how the rest of the chiefly name had gone.

"Imagine naming your child after a food!" she exclaimed, bursting into laughter. "Do you think it'd be illegal to name our daughter Apple?"

"[Name], you're insane. There is no way we're naming our daughter Apple. Anyway, what if it's a boy?"

"Guacamole!" laughed the [Surname] to herself, making Rin sweatdrop as she burst into a fit of laughter. "What if we used like a classical name? Like Persephone or Andromeda? Ooooh, what about Bellatrix, like the one from Harry Potter? Hate her character, but love her name! Or we can name her after your mum! And if it's a boy, after your dad! Oh oh oh, Narcissa! Nymphadora! What about something ancient Egyptian- like Nefertiti or Ankhsenamun, hahaha! But then again, Japanese names are pretty cute, too! There was this one girl... Kurumizawa, I think? Kurumi's a pretty name, too! Or, or! We could name them after the gods, haha! Amaterasu for a girl, Tsukiyomi for a boy! Or maybe Raiden? Oooh, Ataahua means beautiful, and it's a pretty uncommon name too! It sounds so cool! Or maybe we should do more digging for unknown names? I don't know, what do you think, Rin?"

The Matsuoka opened his mouth to reply to his partner's tirade of ideas, only to be cut off by her again as a light-bulb flickered in her mind.

"Ah, I remember that Hawaiian name! It was Nahi'ena'ena!" Rin chuckled at [Name]'s creativity and enthusiasm, and reached out to ruffle her hair as she lay back into her pillow, names from every corner of the world flooding into her mind.

"Maybe we can start by choosing names our kid will know how to spell?" he offered sweetly, amused by [Name]'s enthusiasm and wit. He adored her, every single aspect of her bubbly personality, and just hearing her speak about their child in such a joyous tone made him love her even more than he already did.


"[Name], can you at least be reasonable?!"

𝐂𝐀𝐋𝐋 𝐌𝐄 𝐃𝐀𝐃𝐃𝐘 | rin matsuokaWhere stories live. Discover now