Welcome, Unborn Person!

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» I can't wait to welcome my child to the world.

"That was easier than I thought, don't you think?" Rin laughed at the sour look on [Name]'s face as they left her parents' house an hour or so after their arrival. It had been a big barrier to break, and the fact that her grandmother and little brother were home too didn't make it any easier. "Now, next on the list... ah. Yeah, we've rounded everyone up, right?"

[Name] nodded, a hand on her now rounded belly. Since they had safely made it through two trimesters without being caught out or any implications, the couple were finally ready to announce to the world the arrival of their new baby girl or boy, and were beginning with their blood relatives. Since that was done, they were moving onto the greater pool of people: their friends.

"I bet you Gou will want to throw a baby shower for the arrival of her first niece or nephew," chuckled [Name], making Rin smile as they reached their car. From the front door of her parents' house, [Name]'s grandmother and mum stood, waving and faring the two farewell. [Name] gave them a wave before getting into the car with Rin, and let out a huff as she shut the door. The two looked at each other.

"Let's do it."


"Ehhhhhhhh?! I'M GOING TO BE AN AUNTY?!" Gou clasped her hands over her mouth as [Name] and Rin broke the news to her, Momotarou chuckling beside her as her ruffled the back of his orange-red hair. Gou turned to her boyfriend and grabbed him by his collar, jumping up and down as she squealed excitedly.

"Momo! I'm going to be an AUNTY!!!" [Name] and Rin had called the others to meet at Gou's apartment so that they could all break the news at once, but since the others had yet to turn up, they'd decided to give Gou and Momotarou a head start.

"Congratulations!" exclaimed the Mikoshiba, offering the soon-to-be-parents couple a toothy grin. Rin chuckled, and nodded at him.


"GOU-CHAAAAAAN! ARE YOU HEEEEEERE?" Nagisa's voice cut through the living room, and Gou rose to her feet, rushing to answer the door. Nagisa, Rei, Haru and Makoto flooded in, all four of them bearing some sort of food that they could share with the others. Close behind them were [Name]'s two best friends, who bore desserts. Gou ran to them all, screaming at the top of her lungs "I'M GOING TO BE AN AUNTY!", causing an uproar from the newcomers.



"Does that mean...?"

"RIN-CHAN! [NAME]-CHAN!" [Name] giggled and leaned closer to Rin, who was laughing as Nagisa came bounding to him, Sousuke and Ai still yet to arrive.

"Is this how you imagined them finding out?" she asked softly. Rin shook his head with a broad smile, showcasing his shark teeth.

"No," he admitted truthfully. "And I really didn't know they'd bring food... what is this?"

"Our baby's welcome party," snorted [Name], making her longtime boyfriend burst into a fit of laughter. As if by some sort of domino effect, Nagisa began laughing, and was gradually followed by the others in the room, most of whom had no idea what was going on.

"So you're really pregnant, [Name]?!"

[Name] nodded confidently, beaming at her friends.

"Un. He or she is due in a few months," she confirmed, making them all burst into cheers. [Name] and Rin exchanged glances, then got up to socialise with their friends. A special gathering like this was one they needed, and it was well welcomed.


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