With Extra Cream, Please

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» I went up a pants size during my pregnancy.

"Who should we tell first?" [Name]'s belly had grown a reasonable size now, as the end of her second trimester was nearing and it was no longer easy to hide her growing baby bump. Gou had already pointed out that she was gaining weight, even though she was already wearing the baggiest clothes she had. [Name] frowned, and rubbed her chin in thought as she and Rin sat outside the local cafe, sipping down on some cool iced chocolate.

"Well, starting with our parents would be nice..." she said, picking up her cold beverage and taking a sip, making sure to scrape off the cream at the top. Rin nodded in agreement.

"Should we start with your parents, or mine?" he asked, leaning against his elbow on the tabletop. [Name] shrugged.

"I don't mind either way," she said, continuing to drink. Once she had finished the chocolate part of the mixture, she moved onto the cream, and Rin watched with a scrunched up nose as she ate up the frothy white mass. Normally, [Name] would never even touch the cream, but she'd specifically ordered extra to be put on, which genuinely surprised the Matsuoka."We could start with your mum, grandma and Gou, seeing as they're closer than my parents. Yeah? We can go today, if you want."

"Huh? Ah, yeah..." said the Matsuoka, scratching the back of his head as he watched [Name] slurp down the cream. "Uh..."

[Name] slammed her now empty tall glass onto the table, wiping her mouth with the back of her hand and a sigh. Rin stared at her in amazement.

"Ugh. I'm hungry now," she sighed, pouting and crossing her arms. Rin sweatdropped as he stared at [Name]'s completely empty glass, unable to believe that she had been able to down the entire thing without complaining about the cream.

"U-uh..." The redhead pushed his untouched drink towards his girlfriend, who raised an eyebrow at him.


"You can have mine..." [Name] snorted and grabbed Rin's shake, shaking her head at him.

"What a waste of a perfectly good drink," she giggled, beginning to slurp down the drink. "Hey, what should we have for lunch? I'm craving butter chicken right now, and it's not even funny!"

Rin watched in awe as [Name] annihilated his drink, eyebrow twitching. [Name], catching his look, raised an eyebrow at him with a smirk.

"What? Nervous about telling your family you're going to be a daddy?" she grinned, tilting her head back and finishing what little remained of her drink. "Ah, butter chicken. Hey, should we grab lunch before we go over to your mum's? I'm starving!" Rin watched as [Name] slowly rose to her seat, holding her back with a small frown on her face. He snapped out of his trance and leapt out of his seat, helping her up. Her rapidly growing belly was starting to take its toll on her back, and now simple tasks like getting up were getting hard for her. She grabbed their empty glasses and smiled at Rin, making her way to the cafe to return them.

"I'll see you in the car!" she smiled, disappearing into the cafe. Rin blinked as she walked away, mindblown by her newfound appetite. It was no wonder she was beginning to gain weight so quickly, especially with her eating tastes now. He shook his head, chuckling as he remembered what she had requested for dinner last night.


"Ah, [Name]," smiled the redhead to himself, making his way to the car. "Butter chicken it is."

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