The Hot Water Bottle!!!

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» For many women (and especially their partners), pregnancy brings on tremendous anxiety and confusion, along with the joy.

"Is everything ready?!"


"The hot water bottle! Oh my god, I can't believe we forgot about the- wait here! How could we forget about the hot water bottle!? What if we had to go without it?! Oh my god!" [Name] groaned for the umpteenth time to herself as Rin ran around the house like a headless chicken, checking and rechecking that everything was in place in her overnight bag. True, her due date wasn't for another couple of weeks, but that didn't stop the Matsuoka from worrying and preparing everything in a fortnight in advance, even preparing for the worst case scenario. 

"Okay, so in case something happens and we don't have access to hot water, I've got Haru, mum, Gou and Makoto on hold, and the-"

[Name] completely ignored Rin and walked away from him, making his jaw drop as he held out a stack of fluffy white towels.

"[N-Name]?!" Said woman plopped herself down on the couch and turned on the TV, ignoring her boyfriend as she changed to the History Channel.

"[Name]?! Aren't you even the slightest bit concerned?!" yelped Rin, rushing to his girlfriend and blocking her view of the television. He flapped his arms up and down, making her scowl as he began to get on her nerves. "Helloooo? [Name]-"

"Rin, sit down!" The Matsuoka was relentless in his verbal tirade, and continued to bug [Name], and soon, a vein on her temple was throbbing.

"[Name]! We-!"

"Bitch sit down!" [Name] reached forward and wrapped her hand around Rin's wrist, yanking him downwards onto the seat beside her. He yelped in surprise, feeling as if she'd dislocated his shoulder, and fell with a thud onto the couch beside her.

"[Name]?!" [Name] sighed and looked at Rin, releasing his wrist from her iron grip.

"Rin, seriously. Relax. You're tiring yourself out," she said wearily, giving him a look of desperation. "Please? I can't have you tire out on me on the day I really need you. Please, Rin. Have a break. Have a Kit Kat." Rin sighed and covered his face, clawing at his skin.

"But it's so nerve wracking! Like, any second, a little human being could just come popping out of-" [Name] clasped a hand over the shark toothed male's mouth, giving him a threatening smile.

"I don't need you to remind me how painful it's going to be, Rin," she said in a sweet voice dripping with poison, making Rin sigh. "But I appreciate you caring so much. Honestly." She smiled reassuringly at her boyfriend, not wanting him to be more worried than she was. 

In two weeks, they would have their own child; in two weeks, they'd be a family. And she couldn't help but feel anxiety herself at the thought of something going hopeless wrong, yet at the same time, she knew that if she had Rin, then nothing bad could happen. Absolutely nothing.

𝐂𝐀𝐋𝐋 𝐌𝐄 𝐃𝐀𝐃𝐃𝐘 | rin matsuokaWhere stories live. Discover now