Together Time

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  » It's normal to gain weight during pregnancy. It's something that has to happen to your body.

"Oooh, is she finally asleep?" Rin casually glided into the living room where [Name] sat, suckling Shizuka on her breast. The [h/c] female looked up at him and nodded, before turning her attention back to the infant.

"Mmm," she said unresponsively, keeping a careful eye on her daughter as she watched her suckling in her sleep. Rin's eyes went from [Name]'s face to her chest, and tilted his head to the side as he watched Shizuka sucking on her nipple, both intrigued and slightly jealous.

"Huh..." he said, slowly sitting down beside [Name]. "Who knew I'd be jealous of my own daughter?" [Name] rolled her eyes before glaring at the redhead, who smirked and crossed his arms.

"You're fucking disgusting Rin," she said sourly, scowling in disapproval at her significant other. Rin merely chuckled and playfully hit her in the arm, leaning over to kiss her on the lips.

"Aw, I was joking, [Name]," he cooed softly, brushing [Name]'s loose strands of hair out of her face. "You know why? Because soon, you'll be all mine again. I'll have you aaaaaaaaaaaall to me." [Name] scoffed and shrugged Rin away, turning away from him.

"You keep telling yourself that," she said sarcastically, feeling Shizuka's sleepy suckles begin to cease. Carefully removing her nipple from the slumbering baby's mouth, [Name] tucked her breast back into her bra cup and pulled her shirt back down, all while having Rin meticulously watching on.

"Oh I will," he said in a slow voice, eyes still curiously locked on [Name] as she rose with Shizuka. There was something about her that had changed, but he couldn't quite figure out...

"I'm going to put her to sleep now," [Name] announced, walking away with their child. Rin raised an eyebrow, realising the different something about [Name].

"Her boobs have gotten bigger," he said in an awestruck voice, as if seeing his beloved in a new light for the first time. Then, mentally comparing images of [Name] before and after, Rin deduced that it wasn't enough evidence to suffice, so he called out to her instead. "Hold on a- [Name]! Wait, can I check something? Please?"

Sure enough, the longer he stared at her retreating figure, the more he noticed how rounded her posterior had become, making him all the more curious.

"If you're asking me to have sex with you, then no!" was [Name]'s muffled reply. Rin got to his feet, eyebrow raised in anticipation.

"Oh? Was that a challenge?" was his snarky reply as he began to make his way to [Name]. Hearing no reply, the Matsuoka smirked in apprehensive victory. It was their together time now. And he was going to use it well.

𝐂𝐀𝐋𝐋 𝐌𝐄 𝐃𝐀𝐃𝐃𝐘 | rin matsuokaWhere stories live. Discover now