The Right Girl - Damon Salvatore

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A/N: From the smut prompts, but not smutty. Prompt is in bold. 


You'd been alone for hours. And that was just since you woke. You had no idea how long you'd actually been in this plain little room. Your shoulders and hands had long since gone numb from your arms being tied behind the chair you sat on. Finally, a man entered the room. He stood in front of you with his hands behind his back and a scowl on his face. He didn't look the least bit familiar.

"I thought your little friends would have come to rescue you by now." He sounded more annoyed than anything else.

You snorted a laugh. "That's what this is? A trap? You took the wrong girl if that's the case."

He took a step closer. "What do you mean?"

"Just what I said. If you wanted everyone to run to the rescue you should have taken Elena or Bonnie. Even Caroline would have been a better option than me. I'm not that important." You had no illusions about your place in your little group of friends. You were on the periphery. Someone they didn't mind hanging around, but someone they didn't seek out to spend time with. And you were okay with that. Mostly.

He appeared concerned for a moment before shaking his head. "Don't lie to me, bitch. You smell like the eldest Salvatore."

Your brow lifted. "Just because he fucked me once, doesn't make me important." You and Damon flirted and danced around one another, but his heart belonged to Elena. You knew that. It was why you resisted him for so long. Until you just didn't give a shit anymore. You wanted to know what it was like to be his center of attention, even if for only one night. And god, it was glorious.

"I think you have something that belongs to me," a familiar voice drifted from the hallway. Speak of the devil.

Your captor spun to face the door and your lips curled into a smirk as Damon stepped into view. He smiled at you as his brilliant blue eyes ran over you looking for injuries. Seeing you relatively uninjured, his attention snapped back to the asshole that kidnapped you. In a flash, Damon had him pinned against the wall, a hand buried in his chest.

The man coughed, blood coating his lips and spraying Damon's face. The vampire's lips twisted in annoyance and he used his free hand to wipe away the blood. "Kill me if you wish, but you're finished. They'll kill you now."

Worry shot through you but Damon simply tilted his head before ripping out the man's heart and letting him fall to the floor. He wiped his hand clean on the guy's shirt then flashed to you. Immediately, blood began to flow in your arms again as he loosened the ropes. "Don't you want to know who was going to kill you?"

"I assumed he was talking about the coven of witches that were surrounding the place when we got here. If not, I guess it will be a surprise," he said with a shrug as he moved to stand in front of you.

His hands cradled your face and he tilted your head back to look in your eyes. "You okay, sweetheart?"

Your face heated as your tore your gaze from his. "Shoulders hurt like hell, but I'll be okay."

He hesitated a minute before making a sound of agreement and helping you to your feet. You nearly collapsed as all you could feel in your legs were pins and needles. You'd been sitting entirely too long. Damon caught you before you could go down and swept you up in his arms. "Easy," he murmured. "You sure you're okay?"

"Yeah, I just want to go home, take a shower and curl up in bed."

He shook his head slightly without looking at you. "You're going home with me. We need to have a talk."


You were freshly showered and dressed in one of Damon's t-shirts as you sat on his bed with your legs tucked underneath you. He was leaning against his doorframe, drink in hand as he stared at you. He'd been in much the same position since he entered the room. He sighed and sat his drink on the dresser. "You're important."

You frowned and your brow furrowed. Why was he telling you this? "Um...thanks?"

"I heard what you said to that asshole, that he should have taken someone more important."

Oh. Well, wasn't that embarrassing. Your face flamed and you shook your head. "Damon, it's fine. I mean we both know—"

He flashed to the side of the bed and hooked a hand around the side of your neck, his thumb brushing along your jaw line. "Don't," he bit out, anger heavy in his tone.

You blinked at him, uncertain what was happening.

He closed his eyes and took a breath before looking at you again. "See, I knew you were acting weird yesterday morning, but I ignored it. Because I thought if we talked about it, you were going to tell me it was a mistake. That I was a mistake. And I waited far too long to have you in my bed to risk you never being there again."

Hope blossomed in your chest as you studied his bright blue eyes. "What are you saying, Damon?"

"I'm saying that contrary to whatever you may have told yourself, you're more than just a one-night stand. You're important, particularly to me." He leaned down to lay his forehead against yours. "Don't ever underestimate your importance to me, Y/N."

His lips found yours in a soft, sweet kiss though there was a thread of desperation running through it. As if he needed to show you just how much you meant to him. And as your mouth fed at his in return, your hands fisted in his shirt and you pulled him with you as you fell back onto the bed. 

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