Saving Me - Klaus

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A/N: This fic deals with abuse. the reader's thoughts are those of a person suffering long term abuse. If this will bother you, do not read.


You weren't quite certain how you'd become friends with Klaus Mikaelson and his siblings. You'd been drawing in the quarter one day and he'd stood behind you to peek over your shoulder at your work. Then he'd sat beside you on the bench and started a conversation. Suddenly, it was as if he had always been part of your life. You met the others soon enough and they'd just accepted you into their world.

Currently you and Nik were sitting on the couch in his library sharing stories over a drink. Your gaze fell on the clock on the other side of the room and a fissure of fear shot through you. You stood in an instant. "I didn't realize it was so late. I have to go."

Nik frowned. "Just stay here. You know we have the room."

"I can't. I told Luke I was going to Cami's. He doesn't like it when I see you." You didn't think about the words before you said them. You were too panicked about what you'd be returning home to. Maybe Luke would be out with his friends and he'd never know how late you were.

"Who gives a shit what he likes, love. Get rid of him. You can move in here if you need to." His gaze ran over you and the concern there nearly brought you to your knees.

You looked away so you didn't have to meet his eye any longer. "It's not that easy." Luke already told you what would happen if you left. First, he'd kill you then he'd go after the little family you had left. He stopped short of threatening the Mikaelsons. He may not know about the supernatural, but there were enough rumors around town about what happened to those that crossed them.

You would find your way out. You were working on it. Part of you knew Nik would take care of it for you but that would mean telling him everything. Everything you'd let Luke do to you. Everything you'd kept quiet about for so long. And you just knew if you proved to be troublesome, they wouldn't want you around anymore.

They'd see how weak you really were and all the kindness they'd shown you would disappear. You weren't certain you could live with that. Plus you weren't sure Luke deserved to die just because he smacked you around a little. Most of the time you deserved it. He didn't ask for much, after all. You shook the thought from your head and moved toward the door.

As you passed Niklaus, he grasped your wrist to pull you to a stop. You yelped in pain as his grip found the bruises from the talk you'd had with Luke the day before. Nik instantly released you. "What's wrong?"

Tears came to your eyes and you shook your head. You backed away as he stood.

"Stop," he ordered.

You obeyed. After all, that's what you'd been trained to do.

Nik reached out and took your hand gently in his. Your breath caught as he slid your sleeve up to reveal the dark bruises ringing your wrist. He hissed in a breath. "What happened, love?"

You shook your head again, panic flooding you. They couldn't find out. He couldn't find out. You needed to get out of here. Needed to get home. "It was my fault. I'm a klutz is all. I need to go, Nik. I have to get home. Luke will be angry. I'm so late."

He didn't let go of your hand. "Did he do this?" His voice was low and tight.

You tried to pull away from him but he wouldn't release you. Wouldn't let you escape.

"Did he?" He yelled this time.

You turned your head in shame and the tears escaped your eyes to run down your cheeks. Gods, this wasn't how this was supposed to go. But wasn't that the story of your life. You jerked your hand again and this time he released you. "Please just let me go," you begged without looking at your friend.

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