Answer the Phone - Damon Salvatore

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It was a beautiful spring day. One of those perfect days in early spring when winter has lasted too long and the sun comes out and the temperature warms up. You grabbed a blanket and a book and hurried outside to lay in the sun, content to just enjoy the day.

You'd lost track of how long you'd been outside when a shadow fell across your page. You glanced up, squinting in the bright light. Damon Salvatore smirked down at you. "Hello, Y/N."

You marked your page and sat up so you could talk to him without being in a weird position. "What's up, Damon?"

He dropped down next to you on the blanket as he shrugged. "Couldn't get you on the phone. Just making sure you were okay."

Your face heated as you looked away from him. Of course, he'd be worried. You always answered when he called. Always. You couldn't help it. It was Damon. "I was enjoying the day. I don't always have to be at your beck and call, you know."

He narrowed his eyes at your teasing tone and leaned toward you. He hummed then said, "Maybe I enjoy you being at my beck and call."

"I don't see how that is my problem, Salvatore."

"Don't you?" He closed the remaining distance and pressed his lips to yours.

You froze in shock for just a moment before returning the kiss. One hand laid against the side of your face as the two of you got lost in one another.

Then, just as quickly as it had began, it was over. Damon jumped to his feet and flashed you a grin. "You. Me. Dinner. I'll pick you up at seven, Y/L/N."

You blinked after him as he strode away from you. Just before he disappeared into the trees that lined your property, he turned back to you. "Oh, and answer your damned phone."

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