Scent - Niklaus Mikaelson

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A/N: Prompt was Person A wearing Person B's clothes


You stepped into the living room of the Mikaelson mansion with a frown on your face. You had looked everywhere for Nik but hadn't seen any sign of him. Usually if he left the house, he would let you know. "Do you happen to know where your brother is?" you asked Elijah who was reading in one of the chairs.

The corner of his mouth curled into a smile as he glanced up at you. "I believe Niklaus is outside with some of his hybrids."

"Thank you!" you said with a smile.

"You should grab a coat. It's cool out," Elijah called after you, stopping you just as you were about to open the door.

The coatrack showed none of your many jackets. Nik's long black coat, however, was hanging there just begging you to wear it. And who were you to refuse. You snatched his coat from the rack and slipped it on, giggling slightly at how it engulfed you. Even on your boyfriend the coat hung to his knees. On you, it went to mid-calf. The sleeves extended well past your hands. Normally you'd roll them up, but you didn't intend to have it on very long. Plus, it was unlikely anyone would attack you here.

You headed out the front door, shutting it behind you. Your eyes scanned the grounds, but you saw nothing. Hearing a shout from the side of the house, you made you way around. A breeze kicked up and you pulled the coat more tightly around you. You lifted the collar up and dipped your head, breathing in Nik's aroma as you did. You could never get enough of his rich scent.

As the rest of the yard came into view, you saw several of the hybrids training. So, that's what he was up to. Your gaze fell on the back of his dirty blond hair where he was deep in conversation with one of his minions. They spotted you and pointed you out to Nik. He glanced over his shoulder and a wide grin covered his face when he saw you.

You grinned back and lifted your hand in a wave, sleeve flopping as you went. When you reached him, he was chuckling. He tugged on the coat, pulling it more tightly around you. "A bit big on you, love."

You shrugged. "I was too lazy to find one of mine. Besides, it smells like you. I like it."

His grin slid firmly into smirking territory. "Truth be told, sweetheart, I like you smelling like me. Especially with all these hybrids around. We wouldn't want anyone to get any ideas."

You rolled your eyes. "You literally threaten them anytime they even look at me. I'm pretty certain they know who I belong to without you scenting me."

He tilted his head andhummed as if considering your words. "Perhaps, but it never hurts to make sure."He swept you up in his arms with no warning and you squealed as you threw yourarms around his neck. "And on that note, let's see about making sure you arethoroughly claimed."

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