Chapter LXXVI: The Dance

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While I dreaded the logistics that may follow, that marble from Khar'Zuul has been gnawing away at my morbid curiosities. It did come with a threat of follow up, and frankly I wasn't interested in being on Asher's bad side after he managed to cut me like he had. I insisted I deal with it myself, much to Ricky's dismay. All I've managed, and he still worries that much? I suppose it's sweet, but I can handle myself just fine. One piece of chalk and a floor pentagram later, I had the calling card for- well, whatever Asher is.

Though I didn't quiet understand what he was, I knew he was as foreign to his world as I was. His summoning ritual was like a Hollywood cliché, and I've already rambled on over the lack of pentagrams here. Unfortunately, it would've made no sense for his powers to be of Earth, either. I suppose the best place to get answers is straight from the horse's mouth. I placed the marble at the center of the pentagram, then shattered it under my heel. Underwhelming silence followed. Aside from a small puff of smoke out of the marble, I didn't see anything mystical or otherworldly.

Then the smell of sulfur and brimstone, masked by dragon's blood oil. His presence settled into the room so naturally, it was as if he'd always been here. He appeared atop a bookcase, impossibly long hair draping over the edge, lustful body laid out as playful as a kitten. "It took you long enough."

"I was expecting a bigger entrance." I responded.

Asher dangled his arm in front of the bookcase, absentmindedly tracing the spines with his talons. "Old magic doesn't really work here, but I know when one of my pearls has been broken." He laughed mischievously, removing a book from the shelf just to drop it. "Something's different about you."

I reluctantly retrieved the book from the floor. "Changed species since we last met." Returning it to the shelf, I noticed the title, A History of Sacred Sex Rituals. He liked to lay it on thick. His lust was oddly overpowering and draining, parasitic.

"No, that's not it." He purred, "You've had a playmate recently. Last night, even. I can still smell their blood on your breath. I bet I could taste them too."

"It's a closed relationship, and that's nonnegotiable. Don't even try. That's not why I made this deal with you, anyways." I said, "There's other people here like you and me, outsiders to this realm."

"Realm?" He remarked curiously. His tail snapped back and forth like a mischievous cat's. "I see now. I was admittedly confused how you got here. You're not from this realm. I'm not from this universe. But, let that be our little secret." Asher leaped down from the bookcase, landing perfectly on his feet despite those heels. He stood slowly, sensually. "And never say never, my love. Everyone falls for me eventually. Now, how 'bout a tour?"

He began strutting towards the door. I think my brain actually buffered in real life for a few seconds. Did he just- "Hang on! You can't just gloss over something like that! What the Hell do you mean a different universe?"

"You know, a different timeline, alternate reality. The multi-verse. And before you ask, I can get back to my universe just fine, but I don't want to. Put simply, I ran away from home, and daddy's pissed about it. So, I'm laying low here for awhile."

Buffering continues... At this point, why the fuck not? I sighed, "Okay. I- Yeah, okay. I'll show you around, but that's not a guarantee you can stay. That's up to the master of the house."

"Fine by me. I can always return to that wretched regime. Though I much rather prefer this." He ran his fingertips along the molding and filigree adorning the doorway. I could see he was enchanted by the castle's lush beauty. He may be disgustingly sexual and in need of reigning in, but I've oddly developed a fascination with him. He was a stray like me; I'd feel bad turning him out.

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