Chapter V: Chasing Phantoms

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The earliest light of dawn cast into the library. Columns of light that seemed to isolate themselves in a way no other sunlight could, striking through the windows like a spear. Between the drapings of light, at the helm of the maps I'd left splayed out, I found Ezra. His hand, decorated in a marital tattoo, unsteadily traced the countries' boarders. Consumed by a trepidation foreign to a warrior or adventurer of his stature.

I'd never think he would share a common fear with Asher of all people. His voice harbored that same dread, as if he could see ghosts from the past as he looked onto me. These nightmares breathed down his neck, stained his eyes with dark circles. That morning, he told me the history behind Alfheim, one of the closed countries I'd been investigating. It was massive, as large as Russia at least. Much like Russia, it was referred to as "The Motherland" by some.

All elves can trace their lineage back to Alfheim. Originally, there was only ever light elves and dark elves. Two separate countries for each. Over time, other races came to be, and with that, prejudice manifested. A few hundred years ago, there was a war between the two kingdoms. Extremists on both sides used the chaos and bloodshed to conceal their genocide. Purification, in their minds. Yuu's ancestors, along with countless other minorities, either managed to flee the country or were slaughtered. Tale old as time. In the end, the light elves won the war, absorbed the dark elves' kingdom into their own and closed the countries' borders, effectively locking out anyone who had fled. Whether or not there were any moon elves, ice elves, or the like remaining in Alfheim today was a mystery, though the general assumption was no.

Ezra didn't tell me this merely to educate me, but to help me understand his fear. As far as we're aware, the only reason this genocide hasn't spread to our side of the world is because none have provoked Alfheim. It was clear to me that Ezra was, justifiably, concerned that poking the hornet's nest would have extreme repercussions. I was inclined the agree. To have Asher, a criminally insane sex obsessed psychopath, voice his concern to me was one thing. For my own family to do it was another.

Then Ezra brought his hand to another nearly as large country on the map. Mortuairum. The name alone was ominous, though I doubt it related to a mortuary in their language. "Mother spoke about this once. She was always open with her students, so much so that when she wasn't, it was terrifying. All she told us was to never go near there. That we shouldn't even speak it's name." He looked me in the eye, "As your servant, I have no right to tell you what to do, but as your friend, I'm begging you to walk away from all of this."

Ricky's voice came from the doorway, "I'd have to agree." As he walked towards me, he instructed Ezra "leave us." Without question, the ogre followed his orders. My beautiful love stood parallel to me and laid is arms upon my shoulders. "I will follow you wherever you feel you need to go, but..." He glanced the table of maps. "I don't like this. There's too much uncertainty."

"I know." I sighed, "I always felt the need to run after mysteries like this, but I'm not some hotshot young master anymore. I don't have anything to prove." The universe has given me a very clear warning. At this point, any fallout would be accredited to my hubris alone. Those gorgeous ice blue eyes looked upon me softly, lovingly, reminding me that my world is here now. I wrapped him in my arms as we shared a tender kiss. No need to explain ourselves, as we felt each other's hurt so intensely, it wasn't worth the wasted breathe.

That evening, my shadow's arms snuck around my waist while I stood over the stove. His head rested upon my back. "Smells good."

"Yet you're still not going to try it, are you?" I teased him.

"Nope." He adjusted to resting his chin on my arm, just a hair too short to reach my shoulder. "You okay?"

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