Chapter VII: Shrapnel

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Ricky mustered whatever grain of patience he had left to keep from slamming Ryan's door. Ville and I had heard the conversation as we waited just outside the room. Yuu did everything he could, but nothing could counter the fragility of humans. Only time will tell.

"I don't know why you decided to let that fucker go after he killed your son. I really don't." Ricky spoke through clenched teeth. "But he's in my forest now, he hurt my family. So I'm going to take care of this my way."

He turned on a dime, beginning to stomp off. Before I could even get off words about how killing one of Manson's men was not a good idea, Ville stepped in.

"Where did you get the impression that I let him go?" Ricky halted, providing Ville with more consideration that he would most, if I'm being perfectly honest. "I chose not to kill him, because death is too good for him. After Sajan's funeral, his mother and I spoke. We agreed I would take care of the children, and she would track down Blackwell and make him pay for what he's done."

"Do we have to worry that something could've happened to her?" I asked.

"Absolutely not." He replied without hesitation. "That woman could make The Father tremble."

"Then why is Blackwell in my forest?" Ricky hissed. He looked back to Ville, the heat of his black fire raging behind his eyes. "I'll leave him alive, but he's not taking another free breath on my land."

Ville bowed his head in acknowledgment. Despite how worked up my love was, I have no doubt he wouldn't have actually moved without Ville's permission. Though I worried terribly for his mind, I stayed behind, confident he'd call for me if he needed me. He knows my ears are always searching for his voice.

He wasn't gone but a minute when a black mask began encasing every inch, every brick and every crevasse of the castle. Not too dissimilar to my shadow form, it moved nearly as quickly. The door to the guest bedroom flew open, Aziza gritting her teeth. "Now what?!"

Yuu peaked out from behind Ryan's door, looking on the darkness in awe and horror. His voice so soft as it reached for me, "Master?"

"Nothing to worry about." Ville reassured them, "This is Ricky's doing."

I placed my fingertips to the blackened wall. I'd know that vengeful heat anywhere. "He's right. This is his magic."

"It's a territory spell that he alone can use. It connects him to this forest. Allows him to see every single life force, no matter how cunning they may be. There's no escape from it."

Good. I imagine a spell this big takes a toll, even for a demon lord. The forest isn't exactly small, after all. I trust he knows what he's doing and he'll have enough power left over to properly fight Blackwell. Of course, I was right about that. My beautiful shadow is far too smart for such hubris. Later that evening, I'd just settled myself and Yuu in at his favorite perch along the foyer windows, when Ricky burst in through the door. He tossed a bound and beaten lump of a man inside.

His skin was dark, contrasted starkly by light markings on his forearms. The color of his hair reflected his namesake—deep black with jade and teal undertones. I'd seen people of similar build on the western seaboard, but in our short stay there, they were kind and free loving people. They didn't have the mania I saw in this man's face as Ricky pulled his head up, nor the emptiness behind their eyes. There was nothing of substance to him, not even a drop of warmth. I almost felt sorry for him.

Yuu tucked up behind me like a scared child. "I do not like that guy."

I can't blame him. Blackwell was eyeing him like a slab of meat. The perverted smile on his face was a form of assault all on it's own. "Go find Ezra, okay? Ricky and I will deal with this."

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