Chapter XXXIX: Virus

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With a little sleep and blood—The latter of which Yuki was kind enough to provide—I was able to get back on my feet. When I was in Kyoto, it was easy to have narrow vision. Without this world and all it's gifts directly in front of me, I could forget how much joy it did bring me. It was Heavenly here, and the people were far kinder than Earthlings.

I wanted to be alone with my thoughts, so I decided to take a walk around the castle. Some of the guards whom had the cheesecake I made last time I was here stopped me, asking the next time I'd be putting their kitchen to use. It oddly made me happy. There's something about bringing jubilation to other people's lives that's always provided me with fulfillment. It's unfortunate I'll never be able to share those memories with Yuki again. Well, I guess I could always bring him a corpse to feast on, but I don't think I have to tell you that it's not the same.

As I turned a corner, I discovered a table and two chairs set up beside a larger window. Presumably, for sitting to read or enjoying some afternoon tea. I was surprised to discover Ryan sat there, doing just that. Back at the castle, when he wasn't on guard duty or eating a meal, he was locked up in his room. I didn't know anything about his hobbies and habits, so it was a little strange to see him acting like a normal human being.

"I didn't catch your scent earlier. I thought the Master had only brought Kuza with him." I commented as I approached.

"I had some things to take care of at the castle, so I was a little ways behind them." He replied, setting his book down. "So... Kuza said something about you finding a way to bring Angelo here."

I took a seat across from him, answering, "I did. I saw him, too, while I was on Earth. I don't know what happened between you two to make you break up, but I'm pretty sure he's forgotten all about it. He seems over the moon when I told him I might be able to reunite you two. It'll take a lot out of me, though. I need to replenish my strength first."

Ryan shrugged. "That's fine. I've waited this long." He's having a good attitude about something for once? I guess love really does change a person. "You should probably do something about the Master. He's been a nightmare to live with and it's all your fault."

"I left to help you, so technically, it's all your fault. But, yeah, I'll go talk to him." I sighed, standing up.

"Whatever helps you sleep at night." Ryan picked up his tea, taking a sip. Just as I turned my back, he added, "Kuza's terrible at keeping secrets, by the way." Petrified, I glanced back at him. He smiled like the smug asshole he is. "Don't worry. I'm won't tell."

I guess, if Kuza absolutely had to tell someone what he saw, it's a good thing it was Ryan. He's not going to rat me out because I have something he wants. I know I have to make an attempt to smooth things over with Ricky, or else he's going to make everyone's lives miserable. When it comes to my heart's desires, I'm completely at a loss. Once Ville and I had an important conversation about the capacity of love. He told me it was completely reasonable to love two people equally. It was easy and comforting to hear that at the time because Yuki was out of my reach. Now, I actually have to worry about potentially having to choose.

For a little while long, I walked around the palace thinking. There's only so far my mind can take me without actually speaking with Ricky. I just need to pull the trigger and hope he's calmed down enough. Despite the constant cloud of rosewater and fresh snow that drifted through these halls, it wasn't hard for me to track him down by his scent. It seemed he had listened to Ville and taken some time to relax in the blood red pool. It's not actually blood, but it damn well looks like it.

The ladies kindly let me through the gate. During the time I'd spent pacing, I guess Ryan had finished his break. He and Kuza were in the room, standing guard while Ricky soaked and moped. He seemed annoyed I was there, but he wasn't thrown into a fit of rage. Progress.

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