Chapter LXXVIII: Play of Eros

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The palace of love was peacefully asleep. Curtains drawn, soft shadows and a somber silence. The palace was always swathed in warmth of the soul. It had this comfort to it that could set anyone's mind at ease. Perhaps, though, I only find that comfort here as it's become a second home to me. Aside from the occasional guard, the halls were empty. I found Ville toiling away in his study, writing beneath candlelight. When does he actually sleep?

"Welcome back." Ville's eyes remained glued to his book as he turned back a page. "I suppose it's come time for me to meet your new friend." Wordlessly, I set a heavy bottle upon his desk. Scotch; Thick glass and a sleek label. He glanced the bottle, then me.

"For your troubles." I said. His sly grin was all the thanks I needed. Ville closed his journal and set it aside. He broke away from his desk to retrieve a crystal glass stationed inside a spell-locked cabinet built into bookshelves. He grabbed a second glass, to which I kindly told him, "None for me."

"You have the stomach for it now." Ville placed both glasses on the desk between us, but only preceded to fill one.

"I know, but I never drank when I was human. It'd feel weird to start now."

He hummed upon first sip. As Ville's glass clinked against his desk, he replied, "For someone who doesn't drink, you know how to pick a good scotch. I suppose you knew some experts." That, I did. Vampires may not be able to drink alcohol straight, but the blood of a drunkard affected us just the same. The pickier would provide their victims with top shelf. I'd seen this very bottle and others around many strongholds, my own included. I preferred life with a clear head, no matter how shitty it gets. But, for people like Ville, I absolutely understood the need to take the edge off.

He didn't even bother to ask about Angelo. The weight of that goodbye was something I could handle, as heavy as it may be. Ville was smart enough to know that. He, instead, inquired about how I'd chosen to spoil Rune. It's almost like he asked this favor of me on purpose, like he wanted to give me the opportunity to dote on my favorite fairy.

"I went to this little bookstore in Scranton. A lot of vamps go there because it's open late. Of course, you know books are a dying thing on Earth, so about half the store is knickknacks now. I found some princess coloring books for him, and I got him this derpy looking egg plushie. I think it's from Hello Kitty." I shrugged, "I don't know, I figured it'd make him smile. I got him a butterfly encyclopedia too. Figure that'll keep him busy for a long time."

"Hm, maybe I should have Calypso borrow it once. It'd be nice if she could learn about Earth, even if it is just about the butterflies. I usually bring her jewelry, but I wouldn't ask that of you. It's something I must do myself... Rune will be very happy when he hears his new toys are from you. I initially thought his curiosity with you was just that, but I do begin to wonder if there's something deeper than that. He feels comfortable around you in a way he does with very few people."

"Please don't tell me you want me to bring him back to my haunted house."

Ville shorted a laugh, "No. You and Ricky have a tremendous deal of growing still yet. Far too much for a child. However, I wouldn't completely disregard the idea. Rune was given both a gift and a curse in that he will never truly grow up. He needs a family as frozen in time as he is. But, that is a conversation for a day far in the future. I'd much rather get to the—How did you put it? Hellspawn, I believe."

"Sex-crazed hellspawn, from another universe. Supposedly. I've come to accept a lot of weird shit here, but I don't know about that one. I also don't know how else to explain the fact that he knows about Earth. He says he's from Italy. He knows about vampires, too. Too much for comfort, to be honest. He had a weapon that could actually hurt me." I handed off a pearl to Ville as I elaborated, "Break it and he'll come."

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