Chapter II: Shadow King

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Vinny and Ezra insisted on accompanying me to the orcs' village. Ezra, I understand. He's supposed to be the hero of his people and he failed them. His pride is bruised and he's seeking redemption. Vinny, though, I didn't get the sense he's much of a fighter. He's got more spunk than I initially thought, but the way he cowered in fear of me does not bode well.

We followed a dirt path weaved between blue flowers, until the smell of a campfire entered our noses and the beautiful trees laid split and burnt. The ogre brothers hid in the darkness, as I'm sure they're trained to do. They're weaker beings, outnumbered and outgunned. I didn't harbor the same fear as them.

The orcs sat around the fire, tearing meat from some kind of animal. They were massive creatures, especially compared to the innocent ogre girls they'd enslaved. Horns and green skin isn't really my thing, but I can imagine how they'd be viewed as beautiful in their own culture. I'm not the kind of man who will sit idly by while a woman is abused.

I'm a taker of lives, that much is true. However, I don't believe in enslavement. We were born free. No government, religion, or mentally insane person has the right to take that freedom from another. I may have initially agreed to this to repay my debt, but seeing those poor girls shaken and crying enraged me.

The ogres had been kind enough to provide me with a weapon. They were simple creatures, incapable of creating anything of remarkable craftsmanship. However, this dull stone dagger is all I really need. In the blink of an eye, their throats were slit and gushing blood. I heard the ogre girls scream. As I turned around, I saw Vinny and Ezra stood at the village's entrance gawking.

One of the girls ran into Ezra's arms. She was rather thin and flat chested- Wait. Oh. Well, it's good to know the fear of homosexuality doesn't persist here as it does on Earth. I also took note of the fact that this deal went deeper than revenge. As I watched the couple share a loving kiss, I see what this truly meant to Ezra.

The captured girls were as terrified of me as they were of the orcs. I'd broken their chains in the same motion I had killed their captors. Yet, many remained frozen in fear, those who could move trying to pull them away from me. Before I could speak to reassure them, there was a filthy hand on my neck. It seems I hadn't killed them all.

An orc's sausage-like fingers squeezed my throat as he lifted me off the ground. This one was far bigger than those I'd slain. A leader, I could only assume. Three more emerged from the forest. Their bodies were adored with pelts, two carrying animal corpses; Hunters.

"Some demon lord you are." It spat at me.

"For the last time," I groaned, "I'm not a fucking demon lord."

I didn't want to reveal the range of my powers to the ogres, out of concern of frightening them further. If I'm ever going to get answers, I'll need their trust. However, I also need to be alive in order for that to happen. I allowed my body to melt away into nothing but darkness. My form, now nothing more than a shadow, slipped out of the orc's fingers like water.

My shadow sunk to the ground like fog, rolling under their feet. I could have killed them in this form, but as I stated before, the less these beings know of me, the better. Re-solidifying my body behind them, I quickly struck down three of the hunters. The leader caught me once again. This time, nearly splitting my head in two with his ax. I caught the hilt with my hand and yanked it away from him.

By now, I had memorized Ezra's sent. I knew he'd sneaked his way into this battle. As I pulled the orc's ax away, Ezra's sword sliced through the beast's neck. Could've handled it on my own, but I suppose feeling as if he helped will aid him in his mental recovery.

"Is that all of them?" I asked.

"As far as we know. Thank you." Ezra replied.

An annoyance overtook my mood as I caught a scent on the wind. We're being watched. "Head back to your village. I'll meet you there."

"Where are you going?" He called after me, but I didn't satisfy him with an answer.

Among the sweat and shit of the orcs, I smelled something sweet. It was unlike the flowers surrounding us. The scent was almost like Fruit Loops. Once it's source had realized I'd become conscious of it, it began to flee. There's no outrunning a vampire. I darted after it, finding myself on another path similar to the one I almost died on.

The trees surrounding me were shedding their leaves, much like fall back home. It was exceptionally dark, wherever this thing was leading me. Even with my night vision, I found it difficult to see. Finally, it stopped when it realized I was keeping up.

Stood in front of me, illuminated by the moon's silver light, was a man. His pin straight hair was the longest I'd ever seen. He covered his face with a mask, but I knew, he was human. There was a strange energy emitting from him, unlike anything I'd ever felt on Earth. It made the hairs on the back of my neck stand up.

"Why were you watching me?" I demanded.

The man scoffed, as if to say "wouldn't you like to know?" And yes, yes I would. As quickly as he'd arrived, he vanished. A puff of black smoke was left in his wake. I looked to the moon above, seeing I was now closer to that castle. Something tells me that little spy calls that place home. As tempted as I was to continue chasing after him, I couldn't go in there blind.

By the time I returned to the ogre village, the girls had already raved on to everyone about my heroics. They were no longer terrified of me. Vinny and Ezra must've informed them I was an ally. Everyone was now far more welcoming than they had been before. They called for a celebration, which I couldn't deny.

Obviously, their food and drinks were meaningless to me. However, I did enjoy their praise. Spending time among them once I'd vanquished their fear of me was a treat. It was a pleasure to watch the once oppressed celebrate without a care in the world. I'm not familiar with their customs here, but I do believe some of the village women were trying to hit on me.

"Sure you don't want a drink?" Vinny asked, shoving a cup in my face.

"I'm sure. I can't take it even if I wanted to." I said.

Ezra approached, saving me from this conversation. He gestured towards his significant other—A pale boy with nearly white blonde hair. "This is my boyfriend, Yuu. Thank you for saving his life. Now, I do believe there was something you wanted from us."

"Yeah, actually. You told me you met someone who came from my world. Can you bring me to meet him?"

His smile fell. "No. Not anymore, at least. His name is Ryan. I met him when he was an adventurer, but that was many years ago. Now, he serves a demon lord."

"Let me guess." I pointed to the castle behind me. "That's where the demon lord lives?"

"Uh-huh." Vinny replied.

I sighed, "Of course it is. I have a feeling he's been made aware of me already. If I'm lucky, he'll be welcoming."

Ezra snorted a laugh, "Yeah. Good luck with that."

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