Chapter X: Ashe

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The trees here are incredibly full, and I'm rather thankful for that. Otherwise, I doubt I'd be getting very far without their shade. Regardless, the heat in the air did make me feel more tired than my party. I tried my best to keep my spirits high, so there isn't two grumpy people around.

What is it with angry people that they can walk so damn fast? Ryan was always ten steps ahead of us, and the rest of us struggled to keep up. He kept his arms crossed over his chest like a moody teenager.

"Something wrong?" I dare prodded.

He gritted his teeth, "I get why we have to bring the elf. I get why we have to bring the elf's boyfriend, but why do we have to bring the elf's boyfriend's brother?"

Quite frankly, I don't understand why Vinny decided to tag along, either. He seems on the reserved side. In regards to new people, at least. He speaks to his brother and Yuu in a far different fashion than how he timidly addresses me. I've yet to see the boy fight either. Perhaps separation from his big brother scared him more than entering the home of a demon lord.

"Do you want Kuza healed or not?" I said.

Ryan groaned, "When the Master gets pissed, the blame's on you. He likes his privacy."

"Demon lord or not, he can't have a double standard like that. He sends Kuza out to spy on everyone else, their village included. But, yeah, if he gets mad, I'll take responsibility, if that'll make you happy."

He didn't give me acknowledgement in return. This was my plan to begin with. I don't see why he needed to clarify that, outside of just being a dick. Well, at least everyone else is pleasant. Over the course of our journey, I got to learn a lot about my new friends.

Ezra told me his story, and it was one I was grateful to hear. He's lived a rich and eventful life, though he chooses to act incredibly humble about it. I've always enjoyed hearing goodhearted people tell their tales. Throughout my many years on Earth, I'd often times volunteer at homes, hospitals, and events for veterans to hear their stories. It helped fill time for me, which is something I have an abundance of as an immortal creature, and it kept me grounded. Listening to Ezra reminded me of those times.

I learned that there are six seasons here—The usual four, between fall and winter rested ashe, and between spring and summer rested vida. Though that is part of the reason why their years stretch so long, it's mainly because the seasons last far longer. Ashe and vida only last two months, while every other season lasts eight months. Because of this, children born in either unique seasons were often considered special.

Not only was Ezra born on a sacred holiday in the height of ashe, but he went on to survive a historically harsh winter that should've killed an infant. Because of this, his people believed him to be destined for greatness. When he was just a young boy, he was sent away to a temple to train. A year in, Vinny joined him there. Vinny, apparently, was nothing special, but he was having trouble being away from his brother. I thought only dogs got separation anxiety.

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