CH 4

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A/N Artwork belong to mairusu.

Marshall pov

I finally made back to my apartment.

"That was the best night of my life."

I would have never thought that I have sex ever. But for now, I was tired and I had to go to sleep.

(At the convention)

Bonnie pov

I was talking to Foxy and Chica on how great the new night gaurd was.

"Girls he was amazing. He wasnt the type of gaurd to just be here for sex. He actually have goals he want to accomplish."

"Bonnie, Marshall sounds amazing. What is his personality?" Chica said.

"Well, he is chill, laid back, and expressive."

"Thou be true mate." Foxy said.

"Yes he's perfect"

Freddy pov

I overhear the girls talking about the night gaurd. What's his name? Marshall? Anyway, I dont know what these guys see in him. Maybe he is not that bad. What am I talking about. I want to kill him. I then told girls it was time to perform.


Marshall pov

I was getting ready for work. I got out the shower sprayed so axe on my body, then put on my uniform. I then went into the kitchen and got me two bottles of moutain dew. Then I got in my Cadillac and went to the convention.

Time skip

I finally made it to the convention. I got out my car and open the door to the convention. I saw the trio, Freddy, Bonnie, and Chica. Bonnie and Chica looks happy to see me, but Freddy face looked like she want to kill me.

"Freddy one day you gonna tell me the real reason why you hate me."

I then made it into the office and got settled in. I open a bottle of moutain dew and heard the recording on the phone play.

He-Hey! You're doing great! Night 3, awesome work! Most people don't usally last this long - I mean, y'know... they usally let the "girls" are really somthing thought, y'know

Speaking of the girls, make sure to double check on the Mangle's Cove this time around - although Mangle IS pretty shy though *laughs*

Oh! You've been probably wondering what the spare animatronics are doing in the closet back there. Don't worry about them. We used to used to use them a long time ago... in fact, our female employees would use them as suits! Pretty cool right? the "spring-lock"merchanic was a sure fire shot those years ago, but they're so old now, and they had a few problems too - and uh, the smell... uuhh... just leave them where they are, they probably won't move. I'm certain... uh... Spring Bonnie won't move at least... uh, I think

Uh okay, I'll leave you to it. Speak to you tomorrow. Night.

"Impressive. I really want to know who mangle is and how "shy" she is."

I picked up the tablet to look into the security feed and i saw the animatronic in the backroom. Somehow they look familiar when i was younger.

I then looked into pirates cove and I saw the most cutest and beautiful thing I ever seen. She looked scared when she was peeking at the camera.

It was a pink and white fox. She had d-cup titties and and a pink ribbion.

"The phone guy was not lying when he said she was shy."

Marshall meets the fnia girlsWhere stories live. Discover now