CH 8 Part 3

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Marshall pov

Even though I didn't make the basketball team, I still had Zayda. That's the only thing that Lamont didn't take from me. After school I knew a perfect place to meet up with her. There was a hill in our neighborhood that had the perfect view for stargazing. It was a perfect opportunity to tell her how I feel. I was done holding this feeling back. I called her to tell her the place to meet up. Justice had my back on this. He would call me on what happen. It was about 30 minutes when she showed up. She looked beautiful. She had a bright white dress and black flats. Her hair was curled to perfection. It made my heart skip a beat.

"Hey Marshall." Zayda said.

"Hey Zayda. You look amazing."

I made her blush.

"Thanks Marshall."

We both layed down on the grass and started to look to the stars.

"Its so beautiful being out here looking at the stars. Thanks for taking me out Marshall." Zayda said.

"You're welcome Zayda. You know these night stars are beautiful as your eyes."

"Awww. Your sweet."

She then kissed my cheek. It was obvious to make my move. O had to go in for the kill. I built up the confidence and told her how I feel.

"Hey Zayda. Can I be real for a minute?"

"Yes Marshall." Zayda said.

"Um, I want to tell you something. And I hope you can understand."

"You can tell me anything Marshall. What is it?" Zayda ask.

"Zayda, you the first female beside my mom that I can talk to. I feel like we connect to a high level. Your a girl that's one-in-a-million. All I'm asking is, will you go out with me?"

After telling her that, I had a lot of butterflies in my stomach.

"Awwwww. Marshall, that was so touching but my heart goes to someone else."

I felt devastated. I felt like my heart got shot at 200 times.

What, who is it then?"

"Marshall, I love Lamont," Zayda said.

"What!? Why him? He a bully. He basically like a player getting every girl in the school."

"Marshall I'm sorry. I just see you as a friend and a brother too me. We can still be friends." Zayda said.

I was speechless

I hated Lamont he bullied me when I was younger. He also took my spot on the basketball team. He made fun of my father that he looked like one of the teenage mutant ninja turtle. He also said that me and my father will never be successful.

"Oh here he is. Hi Lamont."

"Hey bae. Sup bitch." Lamont said.

They kissed right in my faced. I couldn't believe it.

"Well Marshall I'll see you later."

"Yeah later fool." Lamont said.

I my head I didn't feeling like living anymore. I then got a call from Justice to see the result.

"A bruh, you got her?" Justice said.


"Yo cuz, it will be alright. She a lost cause. You'll get someone better one day. On to the next." Justice said.

"Thanks brother."

I hung up and I went home and cried.


(At Marshall house)

Marshall pov

I was in my room alone. I didn't want to talk to anyone. Why do girls do this. All I wanted to ever have was to feel loved. I thought to myself that I will never find love. Any girl I would talk to, would just turn me down. I then got a calm from Zayda. I didn't even want to see her face.

"Marshall please talk to me. I know that your upset, but please understand that I love him." Zayda said.

"Why the fuck would you go out with him!? You know made he made my life fucking hell! Not only he took my spot on the team, he took you! DON'T CALL ME! DON'T TEXT ME! DON'T TRY TO TALK TO JUSTICE! DON'T EVEN LOOK ME AT SCHOOL! IM DONE!"

"Marshall wa--"

I hung up in her. I deleted her number and threw all of my photos of me and her in the trash. Couldn't believe it. I wasn't trying to be no nice guy. I wasn't using her for sex. I just wanted to love her. I laid down and cried myself to sleep. I don't know how I can handle school tomorrow.


Marshall pov

I was at lunch all by myself of course. Justice was out sick today. I seen Lamont with Zayda by his side getting swarmed by people telling him how great he is. I heard that he is gonna be a starter for the basketball team. I didn't care anymore. Girls passed by me laughing at me. The guys in the school think that I could be easily beaten in basketball. I then heard the bell rang and I was off to my last class. My last class was Algebra and I hated it. I didn't see why learning this bullcrap would help me in life. During the class I had a test. I didn't try though, I knew that I would fail. After the class was over, I was about to head home but my teacher Mr. Kendrick stop me.

"Hold on Mr. Westbrook. Please take a seat."

I did as I was told.

"Marshall, you know that you your a senior right?" Mr. Kendrick said.


"What are you planning to do after you leave?"

"You already know. Playing basketball."

"Yes but, basketball won't stick with you your whole life. You need a backup plan. If all else fails you have that backup plan that might save you. I know you can ball, but just try it."

"Thanks Mr. Kendrick."

"That's all I have to say."

Even though I don't pay attention to Mr. Kendrick school wise, but I always heed his advice.

As I walking home, I thinking about where life would take me.

Chapter end

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