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A/N before we start guy and gals take a trip down memory lane for a second. This was the first cover I used for this book. (Pic above). I remember getting to 1k reads and losing my shit. The memories 😭. Anyway please enjoy this ova. You can say this could be like a deleted scene or lost part of the chapter. Idk that's up for you to decide. This was a idea I wanted to put in but never did.

Sometime during night 3

Marshall Pov

C'mon, lets go to the closet. We can catch up with each other. I'll teleport us there." Goldie said.

"You can teleport?"

"There is a lot of things you don't know about me Marshall."

We teleported to the closet and it was dark. But wasn't too dark. Me, Goldie and SB started to catch up.

"Phew. You guys had me worried for a second. I thought I was gonna be done for."

"Don't worry about it. We recognized you soon as you put that tablet down from you face. Oh man you had the cutest wittle face we ever seen." Spring Bonnie said in a baby voice.

*Marshall smacks their hand away*

"Yeah, yeah, yeah. But what happened to you guys. I don't wanna be mean but what happened to you guys. Y'all looked bright and vibrant. But now..."

"We be decommissioned honey. There was a incident where a girl got smothered in Goldie chest and she died from it. That's why we been sitting in the closet for years." Spring Bonnie explained.

"Damn I'm sorry to hear that girls. Wait so how do you teleport Goldie?"

"Some of that girl spirt is still apart of me that's why I was able to get in the office so easily. Even if you would've closed the door, you was screwed either way." Goldie said.

"You know I'm impressed and spooked at the same time."

"She would've just kissed you to death. Meaning she would sucked all the air out you." Spring Bonnie said.

"Bitch please, you would pressed you boobs on face and suffocated him." Goldie snapped back.

"To be honest I rather be kissed by Goldie because that's the most wholesome things anyone has done here. I'm not really much of a breast guy, I tend to lean towards butts. I am a man of culture after all. But I don't discriminate."

"Oh if it's ass you want, you can massage mine." Goldie said seductively.

"Damn Goldie can we at least talk for a little bit the night is still young."

"Yeah your right. Sorry Marshall." Goldie apologized.

"It's no problem. *sigh* I do have a problem though."

"Talk to us. We're here for you. Just like old times. Especially with your crush Zayda." Spring Bonnie said with a smirk.

"We ain't gonna talk about that till later but it's about Freddy. She don't like me. I never even tried to perv on you guys once. Every time she see me she wants to kill me."

"Freddy had bad experience with previous night guards in past. They were usually perverts or loser." Goldie said.

"One tried to take advantage of Mangle." Spring Bonnie added.

"Jesus. It's that bad? Bonnie even told her that I'm legit but still don't believe her."

"Well put it this way baby...if you were burned so many times by the same situation, would you keep letting happen. I know for a fact you wouldn't." Goldie said.

"Yeah you do have a point. So when the night guard die where do you take them?"

"Shhhhhh, don't you worry about that." Spring Bonnie said putting her finger in Marshall lips.

"Now you guys made me feel un easy right now."

*Goldie and Spring Bonnie kiss Marshall on the cheek*

"Hey were your friends remember. We won't let anything happen to you we love okay. I know something that will relax you. You have a phone with you?" Goldie ask."

"Yeah I have my speaker too in my cargo pocket."

"Great I'm gonna need that too."

Goldie grabs my phone and speaker from me. Just what is she planing.

Marshall meets the fnia girlsWhere stories live. Discover now