CH 8 Part 2

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Marshall pov

It was junior year of high school and I was training to be on the basketball Varsity team. My father was training me hard as fuck. He made me do 100 suicides, 1000 push ups and situps. And 40 minutes of calf raises. Any time that I would miss a wide open shot, he would make me drop and do push ups.

"Marshall!" My dad called me.

"Yes sir."

"Its time to 1v1 me. Ball up. First one 21 wins. If you lose, you running suicides non stop."

He handed me the ball and we started. I tried to do a cross over on him but he picked the ball from me.

"That's a weak cross over. I know you can do better then that." My dad said.

He handed me the ball and we started again. I tried to drive the ball in and score but he blocked the ball.

"UCLA? I dont think so." My dad said.

He handed me the ball again.

"Stop playing like a cupcake and play seriously."

I didn't want to run suicides again and I don't want to get cut from the basketball team. I played serious and outplayed my dad. I was fighting through contact and making my shots. It didn't mean my dad wasn't trying either. He was dunking on me and making 3s left and right.

The game was tied 20-20. I had possession of the ball. I ran to the corner to shoot a step back three but my dad was fast, so he blocked it. As he was trying to lay the ball in, with all my might and hustle, I blocked it from him. I rebound the ball to lay it up, and I won.

My dad and I was exhausted. We couldn't workout anymore.

"Good work kid. There is a few things that need tobbe worked on but at this rate, you'll be on the team." My dad said.

"Thanks for training me dad. If it wasn't for you, I'll be a bench warmer or worse."

"Aye, its what I do" My dad said.

Me and my dad went to take a shower. I went to the bathroom and did my routine and washed up.

When I got out the shower, I sprayed axe on my body and put my night clothes on. Before I went to sleep I got a call from Zayda.

"Hey Marshall, its Zayda." Zayda said.

"Hey Zayda. What's up?"

"I just called to tell you that, I wish you luck at basketball tryouts tomorrow. I know you can do it."

"Thanks Zayda. Have a goodnight."


It felt good that My parents, Justice, and especially Zayda to support me on this. It gives me confidents and the will of hard work. I couldn't wait till tomorrow.


(5:00 in the morning)

Marshall pov

Even though tryouts was early in the morning, I made my 100% effort to show. I was the first one in the gym. All the requirements to join was to have skill, and good grades. I had skill and a 3.0 gpa. About 30 minutes later everybody else came in. Then the head coach came and started talking.

"Good morning everyone. I am Coach O and welcome to tryouts. Today, you will show how much athleticism yoy have in you. Some of you may not make the team. Keep that in mind. So lets get started."

The coach immediately made us run suicide non-stop for 30 minutes. It didn't bother me because my dad condition me on it. Then they test us on push ups and sit ups. I had 80 push ups and 100 sit ups.

"Good job everybody. Now we are gonna pair you up. We are gonna do a one on on tournament. Games to 21."

This us the event that I was dying to happen. I was prepared for this. After an hour, I made it into the final bracket. All I needed to do was to beat one more person.

"Alright, this is the final match. Would Marshall Westbrook and Lamont Sparrow come to the court."

Of course. Who else but Lamont. I worked way too hard for this. I'm not about to let this guy take my spot.

"Yo, I didn't think you make it this far. Doesn't matter, your ass bout to get crushed again." Lamont said.

"We'll see about that."

The coach gave us the ball and we did battle.


Me and Lamont was going at it on the court. We scored on each other faces. It was brutal to the point that there was blood on our shirts. I had the last possession, I did a step-back 3 and I made in front of his face. I won. I couldn't believe it.

"Game point bitch."

"Ahhh, whatever. You still suck and you can't ball." Lamont said.

I didn't pay him no mind. The coach was reading names for something. I just hope I made the team.

"Would the following people stand outside the hallway.

Lamont Sparrow

Arron Harper

Prince Way

Kyrie Jenkins

Tj Henderson

Chris Lee

Mike Wilson

James Mattis

William Grant

Anthony Jackson"

After he read the names those players went to the hallway. He also had something else to say.

"Everybody else that is still here, you failed to make the team. Try harder next year."

I couldn't believe it. I was broken. All that hard work for nothing. I ran to the coach to talk to him.

"Coach, what did I do wrong. I beaten everybody."

"Im sorry Marshall but I saw that Lamont had better talent. You a good player but, I need to see more out you."


I cried my eyes out on the way home. I didn't know what to do after that. I made it home, and went straight to my room. I didn't bother greeting my parents.

"Honey, he didn't make." My dad said.

"Oh no."

"I better go talk to him."

My dad entered my room.

"Hey son. I know what happen. I didn't even have to ask. Listen son, I know you devastated right now. But this is just a learning experience. I always told myself this."

"Everyday on the floor, I give it my all because I don't know what tomorrow holds."

"Thanks dad."

"No problem."

He walked out the room. I then got a call from Zayda.

"Hey Marshall, how was tryouts."

"I didn't make it."

"I'm sorry Marshall. Hey I'm not doing anything tomorrow, you want to meet up somewhere." Zayda said.


"Thanks Marshall. Hope you fell better. Bye."

I hanged up the phone and went to sleep.

A/N powerful words from his father. See yall in the next one. Peace.

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