CH 7

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I was driving home I was, I was listening to "Humble" by Kendrick Lamar. This was my favorite song. It gives me a lot of motivation and help me to be myself.

"Sit down, be humble. Sit down. be humble."

I been a Kendrick Lamar fan for years. My favorite album from him is M.A.A.D CITY. I finally pulled up to my apartment. I got out of my car and entered my apartment. When I reached my room I saw Golden Freddy on my bed. This really caught me off guard.

"Hey Marshall" Goldie said.

"Hey baby girl. What are you doing here? If its another "session"here, then I cant do it because I'm tired."

"No its not that. Although I wish we can do it. Sorry about being in your apartment without telling you." Goldie said.

"Its cool. So what is that you want."

"Well I'm came here to tell you that Freddy might kill you tonight. remember the phone call that you had yesterday? Freddy killed the phone guy if you didn't figure it out by now."

"I fucking knew it! But why?"

"I guess it was because he was perv. And Freddy hates that." Goldie said.

"*sigh* listen, I'm tired ok? Imma go to the and wash up. We'll talk about this later."

I left Goldie in my room and headed to the bathroom to wash up.

Golden Freddy pov

I was sitting in Marshall room just looking around. Saw three jerseys hanging around his wall in a portrait. There names were Bryant, Harden, and Durant. I guess they all are famous players or something. I then got up from the bed and went to his dresser. I saw a picture of him and father playing basketball. I remember he told that this was one of his dreams is to follow his father footsteps. I thought it would nice that he made it to the league and help his family. I then saw Marshall coming out of the bathroom with his half naked body.

Marshall pov

"*Yawn* Welp, I'm gonna go to sleep."

"Um Marshall, do you think its ok if I can sleep with you?" Goldie said.

"Ok. Cmon."

Me and Golden Freddy got in the bed together and started to cuddle with each other.

"Marshall, please don't ever leave me and the girls. We don't know what we do without you." Goldie said.

"I'll do everything I can to say with you guys. I love yall."

We then had a five minute make-out session before we went to sleep.


My alarm clock started beeping to remind me to get up for work. I still saw Goldie still asleep so I had to wake her up.

"Babe wake up I got to get work."

"*Yawn* That felt nice." Goldie said.

I then got up to put my uniform on. I then went to the kitchen to get my bottles of mountain of mountain dew. Before I exited Goldie stop me before I left.

"Do you still remember what I told you.". Goldie said.

"Yeah I got it. I got idea but its just crazy, it has work."

"Ok Marshall. Please be careful. I don't want you to get hurt. Imma teleport back to the convention, SB probably worried about."

"Don't worry about it. I got to go. I'll see you at the convention. Bye."

Golden Freddy teleported back to the convention and I exited my apartment, got in my car, and drove to the convention.

(At the convention)

Freddy pov

It was now or never to kill Marshall. To announce my arrival, I left him a little message on the phone. That should scare him a bit.

A/N I know Spring Bonnie left the message but I'm gonna change up it to Freddy.

Marshall pov

I pulled up to the convention and got out my car. I went inside the convention and saw only Freddy on stage. I think Bonnie and Chica was backstage. I again had a bad feeling. I made it my office and got settled in. I kinda missed the phone guy leaving me messages. If it wasn't for him, I wouldn't be sitting here. I open a bottle of mountain dew ready to work when all of a sudden, the phone recorder went off.

"That's strange. The phone guy died."

"Oh! Hi honey! I didn't know you were such a 'Big boy'! Are you ready for your present? I thought you liked a little Treat."

*Freddy Laughs and Hangs up*

I was tired of the bullshit. I wasn't gonna back down to some female. I picked up the to see the mainstage and see that Freddy was missing. I waited for her to come to the office.

Freddy pov

I was right sneaking around the office and saw Marshall just sitting there waiting for something. It didn't matter to me, I was gonna rape him.

"I know your there Freddy, its no use of sneaking. Might as well face me." Marshall said.

How did he know I was here? I felt stupid after noticing my shadow gave away my position. I went inside and me and Marshall was staring each other down.

"You here now. You want to kill me. This is your opportunity. Come at me."

I pounced on him. I didn't even think twice about not doing it. I was surprised that he didn't even flinch. Most night guard's would kick and scream. For some reason I couldn't bring myself to kill him. It was like, something told me "don't do it".

"That's what I thought. You don't want to kill me. You sweet as cotton candy." Marshall said.


"We gonna settled this. Follow me." Marshall said.

I did as I was told to do. I followed from the office to pirates cove.

"Hey guys." Marshall said.

"Hey Marshall." Foxy and Mangle said.

"Me and Freddy is gonna have a little chat. Can I use your room to talk to her."

"Sure." Foxy said.

Foxy and Mangle both left the room and I was alone with Marshall.

"Sit down Freddy." Marshall said.

"Look I already know what happen to you and the other night guard that was here. Fuck him. He's gone and out of your life. I know somethings are hard to overcome things. But that what makes you strong."

"What are you getting with this?" I question.

"I know how you feel---because the something happen to me."


"Yeah. You see this what happen...."

Marshall meets the fnia girlsWhere stories live. Discover now