CH 6

704 10 3

A/N now continuing with the nights.

Marshall pov


I woke up to get ready to head out to the convention. I did my daily routine and put my uniform on. I went to the kitchen and got three bottles of mountain dew because it help me stay awake. I exited my apartment and headed towards my car. I got in my car and went to the convention.


I finally made it to the convention. I open the door and saw the trio in there same spots. For some reason, Bonnie and Chica was the only one that looked normal. Freddy on the other hand, had deceiving seductive look. Something told that somethings not right. I made to my office and got settled in. I open one of my bottles of mountain dew and listen to the phone recording.

"He-hello? He-Hey! You actually made it this far wow. Not bad. Not that I doubted you or anything, its just uhh, ya know, how the girls are.*door banging*

As i was listen to the recording, the sound of banging caught me off guard.

I know-I know, but you'll be fine! You've done a tremendous job so far. Uhh, its just that this night has been a experience I'll never forget. I tell can tell you that much.

*door banging* Uhhh, I always knew it was a bad idea to touch Freddy's chest. Actually it was nice while it lasted I suppose. Uhhh, I'm glad I did record these messages for you when i did though...Uhhh do me a favor- make sure to keep an eye out on those spring lock suits. I think there are more to them that being "empty suits". U always thought it was strange that they were there.

Uhhh, aw no...I think what I is gonna happen is what I think it is,* Freddy laugh* then this is probably the best way to go atleast.* Freddy continues to laugh*

*Phone guy scream, and phone hangs up*.

I couldn't believe to what I heard. After hearing that i drop my mountain dew and almost shit my pants. And that laugh. It sounds so familiar.

"Wait.... I know that laugh. Wait! That's Freddy's laugh"

30 minutes before

Phone guy's pov

I walked into the convention to leave the night guard a message.

Before I went to the office, Freddy stop me.

"Hi Parker." Freddy said.

"Hey Freddy, what do you want."

"Well have I ever told how attractive you are."

"I mean you know, i have game."

"Do you think you can do this one this for me." Freddy said.

"What is it."

"Can you touch my chest? It makes me feel good."

"Uhhh ok."

I didn't know what Freddy was going with this but fuck it yolo. I then proceed to squeeze Freddy chest. It felt really soft and plump. I then saw Freddy smirking. I felt like I did something wrong.

"Do you know what you did? You broke a rule." Freddy said.

I remember one of the infamous rules here was to not to touch Freddy chest.

"Wait, what's gonna happen to me?"

"You wont get fired. Its more of a company rule. Anyone who does this claim by me. Now come here!"

I hauled ass to the office as fast as I could and Freddy was right behind me. I finally made it to the office and closed both doors.

If was gonna die, I have to at least help the night guard one last time. I recorded my last message.

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