CH 10

567 7 0

Marshall pov

I woke up to see Freddy sleeping soundly. It was 8:00 in the morning and I was getting ready to see Zayda at the hospital. I went to the bathroom to take a shower and brush my teeth. Then I put on some sweatpants, t-shirt, and some Jordan's. After I did my routine, I seen Freddy wake up.

"Good morning handsome." Freddy said.

"Good morning beautiful."

"What are doing up so early."

"I'm going to the hospital to visit a old friend."

"Let me guess, its Zayda isn't it." Freddy said.

I just froze with a blank face expression.

"Do you still love her? You can be honest with me."

"I do Freddy....she was my friend...I cant stay mad at her forever. But I do know that I love you and that's what matter to me."

"Okay Marshall." Freddy said.

"I got to go. Love you."

"Love you too."

I left my apartment, got in my car and drove to the hospital.


I finally made it to the hospital and checked in to the receptionists.

"Hi, I'm Marshall Westbrook. I'm looking for Zayda Thomas."

"She's on the third floor, room 305." The receptionist said.

"Thank you."

I went into the elevator and press the button to the third floor. I made it to the third floor and went to room 305. When I went inside the room and saw Zayda laying in the hospital bed sleeping peacefully. I sat next to her and was holding her hand. I started to cry.

"Zayda I'm sorry for yelling at yelling at you. You don't deserve to be in this situation. If anyone it should be me. I was to stubborn to see that you were hurt. I'm sorry."

Tears were flowing heavily from my eyes. I then heard something that shocked the world.

"All is forgiven Marshall."

I saw Zayda awake from her coma. It was a blessing to her beautiful eyes again. I started to hug her tightly without saying anything.

"I missed you too Marshall. Listen, I should be the one apologizing. I shouldn't have went out with Lamont." Zayda said.

"But why?"

"Because it was because of phase I was going through. He was a bad boy and I liked it. I'm sorry for hurting your feelings."

"It's okay. But what happen in the accident?"

"Well Lamont and I was at a party. Since we were going out I didn't want him to talk to any other girls. But he didn't listen. He was feeling on every girls body at the party. He then got drunk and started kissing each and every girl at the party. I didn't know about it. So then, I told I wanted to leave and he listen. As we were driving home he feel asleep on the wheel and we crashed. He died and I went into a coma. And that's what happen."

"As long as your still alive, that's the only thing that matter."


Me and Zayda was talking for awhile until a nurse came in and told me I had to go.

"Mr. Westbrook, visiting hour's is over. Its time to go."

I hugged Zayda goodbye and made my way out the hospital and made my way to my car. I got in and drove to the convention to see Mairusu. As I got to the convention I went straight to his office.

"Ahh Marshall, good to see you lad." Mairusu said.

"I came to pick up my check."

"Oh ummm. Do you think that you can stay for one more night? I'm getting this placed remodeled. The girl's are gonna get updated as well."

I didn't want to ask on what that meant.

"Before I forget, I got a big bonus on this place so instead of you getting 500$, you'll be getting 5000$."


"Yeah. You'll get after 6:00 am from your shift." Mairusu said.

"I'll do it."

"Great I'll see you tonight. By the way, did you see Freddy?"

Shit! I forgot that Freddy was back at my place.

"What boss, I'm right here."

I see Freddy come in the office out of nowhere.

"Oh there you are. Welp, I got to go make some blueprints for the convention. Bye guys." Mairusu said.

With that Mairusu left the convention with me and Freddy.

"So Marshall you want to have fun?" Freddy said.

"What? Now?"

"Cmon Marshall I want you in me. Pleeeaaase?"

She pouted and made puppy eyes. I much as I wanted to fuck her, I resist the temptation.

"Sorry Freddy I can't do that. Maybe some other time."

"Okay Marshall. But the girl's have a surprise for you tonight." Freddy said.

I was suspicious when she said that. I gave her a kiss on the cheek and made my way out of the convention, to my car and drove home. When I got to my apartment I went straight to bed and went to sleep.

Marshall meets the fnia girlsWhere stories live. Discover now