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Marshall Pov

"Uh Marshall, why are we out this late? It's like 9:00 at night. What are we doing out here?" Freddy asked.

"Well I figured we should get out the house more. I know you like to sleep a lot, but I don't."

"Wait, is that why you brought you basketball out here. If you wanted to play and get out the house.....I would've understand." Freddy said pouting.

It's been 2 weeks since Freddy left the convention. From time to time we would visit Mairusu. He showed us the layout of the improved convention. It looks pretty nice. I know she miss her sister a lot, so I been with her through thick and thin.

"Baby no it's not like that. How about this....why don't you play with me for a little bit?"

"Are you sure? I don't even know to play basketball. Let alone even know the rules." Freddy said.

"Don't worry I'll only teach you the basics. It shouldn't be that hard. It's a good thing I bought you basketball ball shoes too. I wouldn't forgive myself crossing you up to the ground."

"Hey! There's nothing wrong my boots okay? They are way cuter than these.....what are they called again? Kyrie's?"

30 minutes later

"Okay that should be it for now."

"Marshall. I know you have more experience playing this. You really think I have a chance beating you?"

"How about this? If I get to 21 points you have to give me back massage every night. If you can score one point on on me, I get to do whatever you tell me to do. Deal?"

"Deal!" Freddy shouted.

Minutes has passed and of course, I was beating Freddy 20 to 0. All I needed was one point to claim victory.

Freddy Pov

"Tough luck Freddy, looks like you need to get ready to give me a massage tonight!" Marshall shouted.

As much as I love Marshall, I can't let him win. I need to do something to catch him off guard. So before he pulled up for a shot, I quickly gave him a somewhat deep kiss. And to my advantage he was caught off guard. I snatched the ball from him and layed it up in the basket and scored.

"Hey! You can't do that!" Marshall shouted.

"Too bad. You don't mention that in the rules when defending someone. Take this L. Loser!"

"Whatever. Let's head back home. It 10:00. We should getting some sleep." Marshall suggested.

"Uh uh uh....you gotta do what I say. So my first order is, carry me home bridal style."

"*long sigh* Fine." Marshall sighed.

Few minutes later

"You know I kinda like being carried like this. Makes feel like we just been married."

"Freddy, I don't feel like talking about marriage right now. Let alone you talking about having a kid." Marshall said.

"You say that now, but in the future you gonna knock me up because you love me and you know it."

"Yeah, yeah, yeah. Let's go home." Marshall said.

"Hey there's another thing I want you to do. After you finish showering, lay down on the bed and get ready for your massage okay?"

"You know I'm glad I met you. I love you Freddy." Marshall said.

"*giggle* I love you too baby."

Marshall meets the fnia girlsWhere stories live. Discover now