Ch. 12 - Talk It Out

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*Luke's P.O.V*

"What did you want to talk to me about?" Calum asks curiously, shuffling around in his seat to get comfortable.

I glance towards the front of the car, where Michael & Ashton were talking quietly together while Ashton drove. I sighed, looking back at Calum. "Michael tells me that you & Ashton have been fighting" I say quietly.

The curiously in Calum's eyes fade into sadness, he starts to stutter quietly, "N-No, we haven't b-been fighting, just a little s-spat this morning, t-that's all".

"Calum" I frown, "Tell me the truth".

Calum bites his lip nervously, looking down at his hands that were sitting in his lap. "Okay" he sighs in defeat, "Yeah, we've been fighting".

"Why?" I ask him curiously, even though I already know the answer.

Though he is clearly reluctant to answer, he finally says "I want to have kids, Ashton doesn't".

"He does want kids, Calum" I tell him, trying to sound hopeful, "It's just that you're both still a bit too young".

"But you and-" Calum begins to complain.

"Didn't choose to have her" I interject, "You know why we have her, you know it should never of happened".

"But" Calum pouts.

"But nothing" I say sternly, "Trust me, you do not want to do this now. You don't have a job, Ashton doesn't have a job. He is terrified, Calum, of screwing everything up".

Calum looks up towards the front of the car, where Ashton & Michael were quietly talking while Ashton drove. He lets out a sigh and returns his attention to me.

"Michael & I are terrified" I admit, "Neither of us have jobs, and this whole band thing might not work out".

"Okay" Calum sighs in defeat, "I understand".

"Good, now can you stop terrifying Ashton with the thought of growing up" I joke, tickling Calum's sides and causing him to squeal with laughter.

"Okay" he gasps through laughter.

"What's going on back there?" Michael laughs from the front of the car.

"Luke's trying to tickle me to death!" Calum shrieks.

"Am not" I laugh.

"Yeah, well you woke up Adelaide" Michael rolls his eyes jokingly.

"No, we didn't" Calum & I say in unison.

"Yeah, you did" Michael laughs, "She's smiling at me".

Calum & I lean forward to look over the seat, Adelaide notices movement and turns her head to look up at us, a cheeky grin on her face.

"Sorry, bubba" I say softly, reaching over the seat to caress her cheek with the back of my pointer finger, "Did we wake you up, did we?".

Next thing I know, Calum is climbing over to sit with Adelaide, leaving me all alone in the back.

*Michael's P.O.V*

"She's finally asleep" Luke groans as he flops down on the bed, beside me.

"Great, does that mean you can pay attention to me now?" I ask cheekily, wrapping my arms around him and pulling him closer.

"That's exactly what it means" Luke grins before pressing his lips against mine. I feel Luke slip his hand up underneath my shirt and I hum contently.

"Did you bring the condoms?" I ask, pulling away from the kiss for just a second.

"Hmmm, of course I did" Luke mumbles against my lips as he runs his hands up my chest.

"Of course you did" I mumble jokingly, slipping my hand down his pants to rub his hard on, "Sex is your number one priority".

Luke pulls himself up, trying to look unamused. "Actually, you & Adelaide are my first priority" he says, grinning down at me.

"Okay cool, now hurry up with that condom so I can ride you already" I say quickly, pulling my hand out of his pants. Luke just nods quickly and climbs out of bed to retrieve a condom from his bag. To save time, I jump out of bed and undress.

While Luke is getting himself ready, I decide to prep myself a little. Once we're both ready, we climb back into bed to start the fun.

*Luke's P.O.V*

"I'm proud of you, you know that right?" I tell Michael as I trace my finger along one of the long scares on Michael's arm.

"For riding you?" Michael asks in bemusement.

"No" I let out a small chuckle, "For how much you're starting to recover".

"Oh" Michael says quietly, and I feel him tense up slightly underneath me.

"Hey" I say softly, pulling myself up to look him in the eyes, "Look at you, you're starting to look so much better now that you're gaining weight again".

"I'm getting fa-" Michael mumbles.

"You're getting healthy" I interject.

"Luke" Michael sighs.

"You're beautiful, Michael" I say sweetly, "Don't ever think otherwise".

"Did I tell you I love you?" He asks with a faint smile.

"I know you do, babe" I smile, giving him a gentle kiss, "And I love you too".

Snuggling back up to Michael, I let out a relaxed sigh. I can't believe Michael is mine, I mean, how did I get so lucky?

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