Ch. 2 - What About The Trip?

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*Luke's P.O.V*

"Awww" Ashton coos. "Let me hold her!" Calum awes as the both of them make grabby-hands for Adelaide- who I was holding onto.

I instinctively turn away from them slightly, my grip on my daughter tightening slightly as if to protect her from harm, even though Calum & Ashton are far from harm.

"Wait until we are inside" I tell them.

"So, does Michael's parents know you have a kid yet?" Ashton asks as we all walk towards his bedroom.

"Yes" I scoff, "We were just there and, oh my god, we almost couldn't leave".

"So they're cool with it?" He asks.

"Hell yeah" I tell him.

As soon as we are in his room, I reluctantly hand Adelaide over to Ashton, who instantly sits down on the ground with her. Seconds later, Calum is on the ground beside them, and the two of them are cooing over Adelaide as she giggles in Ashton's lap.

I sit down on the ground across from them and pull Michael down into my lap as soon as he's dumped the nappy bag on Ashton's bed. Michael leans his back against my chest, I wrap my arms around his waist and he links our hands together.

"Does, uhh, does this mean the road trip is off?" Calum asks curiously, looking up at Michael & I.

"Of course not" Ashton replies before I even have time to think about it, "We can take her".

"Yeah, Ashton's car is pretty spacey" Michael points out.

"I thought my parents were crazy when they brought me that car... Now I'm kind of thankful" Ashton laughs.

Ashton's car is a mini van type car... I don't know what it's called, but yeah, it has like eight seats and it's pretty roomy. It's actually cooler than people our age like to admit.

"Oh my gosh, Lukey!" Michael shrieks in excitement in my lap.

"What?" I chuckle, kissing his cheek.

"We have to go shopping again before the trip and go get Addie a cute little swimsuit for when we stop at the beach!" He tells me.

"Oh my god, yes! Let's go! I'll pay!" Calum shrieks, jumping to his feet.

"No, Cal, you can't" I tell him.

"Yes I can, and yes I will!" He orders, taking Adelaide from Ashton so he could stand up.

Michael giggles as he pulls himself to his feet before helping me up as well. "You know you can't just go jump in Ashton's car, right? We don't have Adelaide's car seat, we have to walk her there in her stroller" I tell Calum.

"I don't care" Calum shrugs his shoulders. "Uncle Calum's going to spoil you today" he says in baby talk to Adelaide as he bounces around with her while she giggles.

"Oh god" I sigh.

*Michael's P.O.V*

"No, Calum!" Luke scolds Calum as he squeals over the cutest and softest white teddy bear ever, "Buy her anything else and I will chop up your credit card and shove the pieces up your arse".

"Try and stop me" Calum smirks, throwing the teddy bear into the shopping trolley that Ashton was pushing. Luke groans in defeat.

"Leave him be" I chuckle, wrapping my arms around Luke's waist and giving him a kiss on the cheek.

Luke turns around so he's facing me before leaning in and connecting our lips together. "I love you so fucking much" he mumbles against my lips.

"I love you, too" I whisper before connecting our lips back together.

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