Ch. 9 - Pain

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*Luke's P.O.V*

"Dude, since when do you smoke?" Calum asks in shock as I light a cigaret after digging the packet out of my bag.

"Since this morning" I mumble, glancing up at him from my spot in the dirt on the side of the road.

"But-" he says in confusion, "Why?".

I shrug my shoulders and look to Michael- who was sitting cross-legged beside me- he just stares at his hands that were fidgeting in his lap, he knows why.

"Because I felt like taking it up" I half lie, looking back up at Calum as I hand the cigaret to Michael, who takes it without hesitation and takes a drag before handing it back to me.

"Michael!" Calum almost screams at him.

"Stop screaming" I hear Ashton mutter from the other side of the car, just before he walks around to us. "What the?" He says in shock when he sees me smoking.

"They've taken up smoking!" Calum says in distress.

"And you smoke pot" Ashton deadpans him.

"We all do" I hear Michael mutter.

"Seriously though, why are you smoking?!" Ashton asks in what sounds like anger.

"Because I'm feeling stressed, okay?!" I snap, handing Michael the cigaret again before jumping to my feet and storming off towards a tree a few feet away. I slump down on the ground, leaning against the tree.

I pretend to be ignoring them, despite the fact that I'm actually watching them in the corner of my eyes. I see Michael sigh as he puts the cigaret out before pulling himself to his feet, tells Ashton & Calum something, then walks towards me.

"Babe" Michael says quietly as he sits down beside me. I snuggle up to him without hesitation and instantly start crying on his shoulder. "It's alright, everything is going to be alright" he whispers soothingly.

I had only just calmed down from that nightmare I just had, and now I'm getting all worked up again... I feel like a mess.

"She killed herself, and it's all my fault!" I sob.

"It's not your fault" he sighs.

"I'm the idiot that got her pregnant" I point out.

"That doesn't mean it's your fault, remember, she let herself get pregnant, it's not all your fault" he tells me calmly.

"But-" I choke out through tears.

"But nothing" he says firmly. "When you've calmed down, you still have to tell us about that dream" he reminds me calmly.

"May as well-" I stop to sniff, "Go tell them now".

"If you say so" he sighs. I nod, Michael helps me to my feet and we walk back over to the car.

"I'm sorry" Ashton, Calum & I all say in unison once Michael & I reach the car.

"I guess-" I tell them, glancing in through the open car door to make sure Adelaide was still asleep, "I should explain what happened in my dream".

*Michael's P.O.V*

"I guess-" Luke says, glancing into the car at Adelaide, who was still fast asleep, "I should explain what happened in my dream".

Luke sits down on the dirt ground; I sit down beside him; Calum sits across from me; and Ashton sits across from Luke.

"It started as a flashback" Luke sighs, "Calum, remember that time at lunch? It was when Ashton & Michael were still dating and it was before I ended our little friends with benefits thing".

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