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Y/n story pov : 

- Both of your parents have died since you were 11 and grew up with your brother.- your brother marries and have one kid her name is "Kim sowon " .- but your brother and his wife had an accident car when they wanted to go home.
- so you decide to take care of your brother's son "Kim sewon" since he was 1 year old.- you are 20 years old now & you work at your friend's cafe which is " Nana " & "sad" there are your friends since childhood. ( END POV )

" Mommy, mommy! " Kim sewon call you mommy because she doesn't know that her parents passed away but you actually fine with that if Sewon calls you mommy.

" I'm here sweetie what's wrong?' you look at Kim sewon. "I'm bored can we go buy some teddy bear?" she looks at you with puppy eyes, you can't control her cuteness. "hmmm, let me think " you tease her. "pweaseeee... pweasee " with boba eyes. "okay, sweetie, let's go find new teddy bear" she was excited and can't wait to buy a new teddy bear. 

You're getting ready to wear white jeans and a blue shirt. After that, you help Sewon to find her clothes.

After 20 minutes

you took your handbag, phone, and key. " let's go!" she was excited and you holding Sewon hands.

* At mall *

You walk into a toy store, you see a very happy Sewon looking at all the toys in the store. "okay, sweetie you can choose whatever u want I will pay it" u say to sewon. Sewon cannot control herself because yeah u know kids. You just looking at Sewon and wait for her to choose what she wants.

"HUAAAAAAA" Sewon cry, You ran towards Sewon to see what was happening, all of a sudden you saw Sewon crying and sitting on the floor because he had just bumped into a man. "Sewon are you okay?" you hug Sewon and Support him on your lap. "hurm , I'm sorry," a man says to you and bows to you. "ahh, it's okay she okay," you say to the man. you looking at the man and the man looking at you. 

"Are you hurt sweetie?" he asks Sewon because he worries about her. Sewon looking at him and smile "I'm okay". You smile at Sewon . "Btw, is this your child?" he asks u, "oh, no, no she is my brother's child" u smile at him. He nodded at u and say "btw, what is your name?". "My name is Y/n &  she is Sewon" You smile at him. "My name is Bangchan" nice to meet you and both of your handshake.

"Mommy, I want this" Sewon shows bunny bear to you. "You want this? okay let me pay it and we go eat ice cream," you say to Sowon and she was happy and kisses your cheek and says "I LOVE YOU, MOMMY!".

Bang chan was there and not going anywhere he just looks at you and smile.

Bangchan POV

"wow, she so pretty"

"I thought she has kids"

"she really cute"

"hmm, Y/n have a boyfriend or not? I'm curious"

"She really loves kids"

End POV 

"May I ask you something?" Bangchan looks at you. "yeah, sure" you look at Bangchan. "If you don't mind can we go eat ice cream together?" you look confuses and you can't reject because already flirt with Bangchan."Yeah of course," you say to Bangchan. He really happy and smile at you.


*Ice cream store*

You guys already order and served it." How old are she?" point at Sewon. "I'm 3 years old" Sewon answer. You both laugh and smile at Sewon. "if you don't mind can we be friends?" Bangchan looks at you, you blushed and say "yeah sure" he smiles at you. "Can I have your number phone?" Bangchan gives his phone to you and both of you guys change number phone each other.

You guys talk many things until Sewon falls asleep into Bangchan lap." omg, she sleeping are you okay?" you ask Bangchan because you scared Bangchan uncomfortable. "No, i"m okay she so cute I can't stop looking at her" Bangchan looks at Sewon , your flirt at Bangchan.

Sewon parents passed away, my brother and his wife had a car accident since she was 1 year old. She has nightmares and fever after that she loses all her memories with her parents, that's why she calls me a mommy because Sewon thinks I am her mom. I'm okay with that I love kids" you explain to Bangchan. "oh, I don't know about it sorry" Bangchan feels guilty towards you." it's okay Bangchan you don't have to say sorry" you smile at Bangchan.

"Daddy, Can we go back?" Sewon is delirious until he remembers that Bangchan is his father. Both of your shock and laughter. "I think we need back home," Bangchan says to you.

"Yeah, let's go," you thought why is it okay when Sewon calls him dad?. 

Both of you go to the car park and want to go home." where do you live? I can send you" Bangchan says to you. "ah, it's okay Bangchan we can take a taxi," You say to Bangchan.

"no, you can't now it's almost 10 p.m I can't let you and Sewon take a taxi back because it's late at night and there are a lot of people in danger" Bangchan looks at you because he worries. "okay, Bangchan". you say to Bangchan and smile at him.

You and bangchan talk about many things in the car and vibing some song. Sewon still sleeping while hugging her bunny bear.

*Finally arrived at your house*

"what your house here?" Bangchan looks at you. "yes, why". you look at Bangchan. "omg, I can believe that I'm live here on the 7 floors how about you". Bangchan says to you excited. "omg really??.. I am 6 floor" both of you giggle because of stupid innocent each other. "glad we are neighbors" Bangchan say to you. 

( time skip ) 

sorry, if my English is not perfect i try my best :). ❤️❤️

Waiting for the next chapter guys! ❤️🧡💛💚💙💜🖤🤍🤎💖

𝑶𝒏𝒆 𝒂𝒏𝒅 𝒐𝒏𝒍𝒚 𝒚𝒐𝒖 / / Bang ChanWhere stories live. Discover now