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You are cleaning the house while taking care of the sewon who is playing with his game.

"Mommy, are you done?" Sewon asks you. "Not yet why honey?" You say to Sewon and stop wiping the table.

"I'm bored mommy can we go to the park?" Sewon says to you while making a puppy face. "Hmm, sure honey wait for a second okay?" You say to Sewon. "YEY!" Sewon excitedly and jump.

after a few minutes, of packing you and sewon even spend time in the park. "Don't run!" You say to Sewon. You sat on a chair watching the sewon playing in the park.

After a few minutes, someone calls you. "Y/n!!" you look at him. "HI! boys" You reply to them while waving your hand.

"where Sewon?" Hyunjin asks you. "There" You pointing to Sewon. Their sit together with you.

"Where chan?" You ask them. "chan Hyung has some work to do" Seungmin replies to you. 

"Y/n can I ask you something?" Lee know to look at you. "yeah sure" You look at him back. "How many years have you and bangchan been in a relationship?" Lee know ask you. "hmm, It's been a year and 8 months, why?" You say to Lee know . He nodded and laugh.

"You all don't have a crush? or the person you like?" You ask them. "hmm, actually no" Chang bin reply to you. "Because We are comfortable together," Felix says to you. "I already have" Lee know say to you. Everyone looks at him with a surprised face.

"Jisung already mine" He giggles at you. Everyone laughs and can't say anything. After a few hours, you feel tired so you decide to back home.

"I think we should back home and eat something," You say to them. "yeah right," Seungmin says to you. The boys stand up and walk towards Sewon. 

You wake up and want to put on your shoes again after that you feel dizzy and want to faint. Seungmin looked at you and kept running towards you before you fainted.

"y/n are you okay?" He holds your hands. You can answer because to dizzy and then you fainted on Seungmin arms.

"Y/n!!!" Seungmin trying to wake you up. The boys looking at you and Seungmin. "Y/n!!" I.n shout to you.

Changbin carried you to their house because he was worried. "what happened to mommy?" Sewon asks Hyunjin. "Your mom, okay sewon," Hyunjin says to Sewon and hugs her.

 lee know opens the door of bangchan's room and changbin immediately puts you on the bed. "We should call Hyung," Jisung says to them.

"yes, we should," Hyunjin says to them. After a few minutes Bangchan back from work and went straight into the room to see you because he was feeling very worried.

"What happened?" Bang chan asks them. "We don't know he suddenly fainted in Sungmin's arms.

"Thank you guys," Bang chan says to them. "We can take care Sewon," Hyunjin says to Bang chan. "You can stay here while waiting for her to wake up," Felix says Bang chan. "Thank you guys," Bangchan says to them while hugging them.

After a few hours you wake up and you see Bang chan sleep beside you. You wake up and hold your head for dizziness "ah~" you say. Bang chan immediately wakes up and holds your hand. "Baby are you okay?" Bang chan say to you.

"I don't know why my head hurts so much," You say to Bangchan he looks at you with a worried face.

"I think we should go to the hospital," Bang Chan says to you. You just nodded. "I will help you change the clothes. "Thank you chan" You look at him and smile.

𝑶𝒏𝒆 𝒂𝒏𝒅 𝒐𝒏𝒍𝒚 𝒚𝒐𝒖 / / Bang ChanWhere stories live. Discover now