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( TIME SKIP!!!!!) IDK skip time or time skip anyways whatever ahahah.

You wake up from bed and look at the time is 8'oclock too early for work because nana already texts you to come title bit late because the cafe was open late today. You look at Sewon she still sleeping so you decide to slowly wake up from the bed and go to the kitchen to cook something special for Sewon. Today is the School holiday so Sewon has time to rest.

You go to the bathroom to take a shower and get ready for breakfast.

Bangchan Text you.

Bangchan 🐺

"hello , y/n this is Bangchan"

Y/n 🐰

" Hi, Bangchan!"

Bangchan 🐺

" What are you doing"

Y/n 🐰

"making breakfast for Sewon"

Bangchan 🐺

"is she still sleeping?"

Y/n 🐰

"yes , she is "

Bangchan 🐺

"y/n if you have dinner at my house tonight and don't forget to bring Sewon too?"

Y/n 🐰

"yeah, sure Bangchan"

Bangchan 🐺

" Okay , see you later "

Y/n 🐰


conversation end 

after you are done making breakfast and do all things. You and Sewon need to go cafe you have to bring Sewon because nana asks to bring Sewon cause her daughter wants to meet Sewon and play together.


You enter the cafe counter and grab an apron to wear. "Where Sewon?" Nana asks you. "There, she plays with your daughter," You say to Nana. "Do you have any plan today?" Sad ask you. "hmm , yes because I have dinner today?" Sad and Nana nodded at you. 

someone enter the cafe and look at the menu "hello, miss can I order americano?" you look at the customer . "yes, hey... Bangchan" you smile at him. "Oh, hi y/n are you work at here?" Bangchan asks you. "yes, I am this is my friend's cafe" you answer his question. "you have a sit I will serve later," you ask Bangchan to sit while waiting for his water.

you served americano to Bangchan and sit in front of him. The cafe doesn't have many customers today because today seems like everybody busy. "where is Sewon?" Bangchan asks you . "she was playing with Nana's daughter " you answer his question.

"Daddy!" Sewon runs into Bangchan and hugs him. "I miss you so much daddy" Sewon kiss his cheek you were too shy and shock because Sewon calls Bangchan daddy. Bangchan was giggle at Sewon he doesn't care if Sewon calls daddy. 

"I'm sorry chan" you apologize to him because to shy. "it's okay y/n I love that" Bangchan smile at you. 

"You know what I really want love kids I love to take care of them" Bangchan smile at Sewon and plays with her hair.

𝑶𝒏𝒆 𝒂𝒏𝒅 𝒐𝒏𝒍𝒚 𝒚𝒐𝒖 / / Bang ChanWhere stories live. Discover now