CHAPTER 9 - smut*

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The clock was already showing 7 pm it was time for the two of you to get ready for dinner.

"Hey, Chan! Is this dress okay?" "Do I look good?" You asked walking out, wearing a red dress which showed most of your skin, especially your shoulder.

"Hey, Chan! Is this dress okay?" "Do I look good?" You asked walking out, wearing a red dress which showed most of your skin, especially your shoulder

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"Oh baby, why this dress, if you wear that, I won't be able to control myself! You look very hot in that!" Bang chan say to you.

"well, I'll take it as a compliment, and you SHOULD control yourself at the dinner!" You said while doing your hair.

"But baby..." Bang chan say to you. "M-hmm?" you look at Bangchan. "If I'll get a boner then it's all your fault" Bang chan teasing you.

"oh stoppp!!" You chuckled.

"Okay, let's go!! Mom & dad must be waiting for us. I'll be in the car, come downstairs when you're done" He said while grabbing his keys.

"Okay!" You replied.

You got up & put on hairspray, go downstairs, and get into the car.

Bang chan was stroking my thigh.

"Bang chan!!" You yelled at him in a funny way. 

"WHAT???! I literally cannot help myself!" Chan says to you.

"But you have to! we're almost here" You say to Bang chan. "ahh, okay I'll though," Bangchan says to you.

You guys got out from the car and went inside.

*Ding Dong*

Dad: "Hello! WOW! both of you look so beautiful! come on in!"
Mom: "I'm so happy this beautiful girl will be my daughter in law"
Dad: "Do you like pasta?"
Y/n: "YES!!"
Mom: "Great! We made pasta it'll be ready in a few minutes"
Dad: "Yeah, till then,make yourself at home"
Y/n: "Thank you"

After a few minutes, of seeing their house, you felt a bit hungry. You glanced at Bang chan, Oh god. He's is tring so hard. I feel bad.

Mom: "Chan! Y/n! come down for dinner"
Y/n: "We'll be right there!"

Y'all sat at the dinner table.

Bang chan: "WOW! We have pasta, beed and wine!"
Y/n: "Looks so delicious!!"
Mom : "Okay, Let's start eating!"
Y/n: "Thank you for the food"

Everyone began eating , Bang chan was sitting beside you , stroking my thigh.

Mom: "You're the most prettiest girl Chan dated till now"
Y/n: "ahahaa, thank you" I smiled shyly.

While Chan stroked my thigh, I stroked his legs up and down with my feet. Bang chan choked.

Dad: "Are you alright?" 
Mom: "Here, drink some water"
Dad: "Eat carefully and slowly"
Bang chan: "Yeah yeah, I'm fine"

You could see that Bang chan as red as a tomato. After eating the dininer , everyone got up.

Mom: "Let's watch some TV?"
Bangchan: "I'd love to , but uh, I want to show my room and my childhood pitcures to y/n"
Mom: "yep,sure"

Bang chan signalled and as go upstairs with him to his room. You went upstairs and as soon as you stepped in the room.

Bang chan pulled you and pinned you agains the wall. "You naughty girl , teasing me infront of my parents? Now get ready for punishment".

He was so hard down there I could totally see it.

Bangchan : "You made me like this , now take care of it. But remember! No moaning or else they might hear us"

You nodded.

He looked the door.

He removed his shirt and threw it on the floor. Then he picked you up in bridal style and placed You on the bed.

He slowly took my dress making sure that it won't tear.

Y/n: "HEY!! Do you have protection?"
Bang chan: "Yeah don't worry ! I was already thinking about this ;)"

He takes out a condom from his pocket and slid it on his d!ck..

Bang chan; "All cool"

He started thrusting into You. I was whimpering trying my best not to make sounds.

Y/n : "AH-Chan"
Bang chan: "Baby! remember no moaning or else they'll hear us"
Y/n: "o-okay"

After thrusting for a couple minutes , he said.

Bangchan: "I'm gonna cum"
Y/n: "Oh-fuuuuuuc - i think me too"

He released in the condom and i released on him. Both of you catch your breath and get into your clothes quickly.

Bang chan: "Wah, that was amazing"
Y/n: "YOU were amazing!"
Bang chan: "They must be wondering what we're doing, I'll go downstairs, you come down too"
Y/n : "Okay"
Mom: "Chan! so how was your time looking at old photos?"

Both of us looked at each other and blushed.

Bang chan: "I-it was awesome, bringging back old memories, you know haha"
Y/n: "Yeah sure" We giggled.
Mom: "so, y'all wanna have so  dessert?"
Bang chan: "I already had it-"
Y/n: "We already had it in home!!" You tried to cover up.
Bang chan: "We'll stop by for dessert other time!"
Y/n: "Thank you, the dinner was very delicious"
Dad: "Sure y/n! It was really nice to meet you!"
Y/n: "It was nice to meet you too!"
Bang chan : "so, Let's get going?"
Y/n: "Yeah!"
Mom: "Bye Y/n! see you next time. And Chan! don't slam Y/n to hard towards the wall!"
Bang chan: "Ah? mom haha, come on!"

Bangchan was blushing & looking at you.

Mom: "i'm just saying because she might get hurt"
Bang chan: "i'd never hurt her expect that hurt ;)"
Dad: "Young youth these days"

Our faces turned red , Bangchan gave goodbye kisses to Mom and dad. I am happy to be a part of this family.

So , do you like this chapter??
;) please read next chapter guys ^^

𝑶𝒏𝒆 𝒂𝒏𝒅 𝒐𝒏𝒍𝒚 𝒚𝒐𝒖 / / Bang ChanWhere stories live. Discover now