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after 45 minutes of the movie was start you were really scared and close your eyes. Bangchan notices that he really worries he holding your hand and pull you close with him. His hand wrapping your waist and another handhold each other your head at his shoulder.

"Thank you " you whisper to Bangchan ears and make his ear redder. Bangchan kiss your forehead and say "I'm here with you"

After half an hour. Bangchan still focuses on a movie he notices that everyone asleep including you.

Bangchan decides to move you and Sewon to his room. he carefully covered you and took you to his room. Your hand on his neck die lifted you like a princess and led her into the room.

he gently laid your land on the bed and covered your body with a blanket. also, he kisses your forehead.

After that, he lifted the Sewon into the room and placed it next to you. And kiss Sewon like his daughter. he took the blankets of his group members in the room and placed them on the bodies of each member.

he went back to the room to take a pillow to sleep outside then you pulled his hand away and said "don't go" delirious. He can't move so he decides to sleep together with both of you.


The morning

Bangchan gets up first and slowly moves his body to go outside and make some breakfast in the kitchen. 

( skip time )

You woke up and just remembered that you didn't go home. You slapped yourself many times and said "fuck, y/n what are you doing?" "are you drunk" "what the fuck y/n!" you said to yourself. You quickly run to the bedroom and check your face if any stale water coming out of your mouth.

luckily there is no stale water sticking to your mouth, so you wash your face and see there is a note that says "this is your toothbrush and also a towel if you want to take a shower I have a dress ready on the table". You look at the note and smile your heart has a flower hahaha.

You take a shower quickly and put on a dress that bangchan lay on the bed.

You take a shower quickly and put on a dress that bangchan lay on the bed

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Y/n dress from Bangchan

You put on the dress and get ready for breakfast. You put on some make-up in your handbag and let go of your hair. And put on some perfume too. 

"do you like it?" Bangchan came into the room and saw you standing in front of the mirror. You were shocked and saw bangchan "I love it chan" you answer. "actually I buy it for you yesterday" Bangchan smile at you. 

"Thank you chan" you excited and kiss his lips. Bang chan freezes and laughs at you. "Why are you so cute y/n?" You see him starting to pace up to you and grab your waist pulling you close to him. And he kissing you. Both of you kissing so hard until Bangchan pushes you to the wall to kiss. 

𝑶𝒏𝒆 𝒂𝒏𝒅 𝒐𝒏𝒍𝒚 𝒚𝒐𝒖 / / Bang ChanWhere stories live. Discover now