My Billionaire Cure

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Genre/Trope: Tycoon; Love after Marriage; Arranged Marriage; Humor; Drama

Status: Complete

| S U M M A R Y |

"Are you okay?" The three words he fell for. The three words he wanted to hear. The three words that cured him. ____________________

Marcus Anderson is a cold hearted billionaire entangled in his dark past. He is perfect to the eye but broken underneath. Family is not something he believes in. He prefers to bear the pain alone until one day he saw the light at the end of the dark tunnel.

Camilla Graham is a successful billionaire with a warm heart filled with love and care. Family is everything she believes in. Little did she know that her smile, her jokes, her kindness brings light to the most darkest soul.

She doesn't need a prince to save her. She shines among those who never believed she could. Even among those with the most coldest hearts.

A contract marriage brought them together. Never had they thought that their fates would change. 

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| R E V I E W |

Try this one if you're looking for an arranged marriage or marriage before love kind of trope!

To start with, I liked how it was the male MC instead who had a troubled past and overcoming it, rather than the usual female lead with a broken past kind of setting. Men are also human. They also experience what we women struggle with in many areas. So, Marcus' vulnerability and fragility here kinda feels like hitting home. Hurting and crying don't make him (men) less of a man. So, I liked how his character was portrayed here. 

Here're the questions and answers to myself: were the main characters annoying sometimes that I can't help but pull out my hair? Yes. Was the story beautifully good that I was almost brought to tears while finishing the book? A definite yes!

I love the part, 'Are you okay?' that was highlighted in this story. I know it's not just me but many people very appreciate little gestures or things, such as this one, more than any other artificial things. There isn't anyone who has no problems in life nor struggles whatsoever. So, asking someone whether you know or not if s/he is okay or how are they, showing sincere concern, it's nothing but a valuable heart touching moment. So, its another loveable part in the story when its highlight finally came and connects back to that tagline from the summary.

Although I personally feel like Marcus and Camilla could have more space for development, I'm glad with how the book has ended. They deserve a happy ending ♡ A massive thumbs up to Author for this heartfelt piece.

Give it a chance if you're interested!

V O T E | C O M M E N T | S H A R E

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