Yours To Keep ♡♡

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Author: Alexa_Rayne

Genre/Trope: Sports Romance; College; Friends to Lovers; Humor

Status: Complete

Mature Content

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River Williams , the Quarterback of Haldenbridge University has everything his heart desires. He's the lone and spoiled heir to William empire, raised by incredible parents, surrounded by caring friends and is in relationship with the girl of his dreams, Lynn. Preparing to surprise his girlfriend, what happens when he stumbles upon a sight that destroys his plans, dreams and heart?

Serena James, the defunct of the family whose life have crumbled under the shadow of the perfect and ideal older sister. Having enough of being emotionally battered, Serena had successfully graduated high school a year earlier and have gotten accepted into university. What happens when she encounters a broken hearted River after moving out of her parent's house?

 What happens when she encounters a broken hearted River after moving out of her parent's house?

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|  R E V I E W  |

Get ready for an awesome ride brought to you by this book! Hands down one of the best college and sports romance ♡

I'm a bit awestruck on how I'm going to review this book (believe me or not, I don't know where to start when I decided to finally enter this in my journal) aside from using the lines that goes with 'incredible and amazing read.'

For starters, there is nothing to dislike about not only the main characters, but also their circle of friends and the family from the male MC's side. They are such rays of sunshine in my eyes I would totally give anything to be their group ♡

For this time around, the male MC is not the bad boy or playboy type, yet he is well-known around campus because of his social standing and family background. I loved his sensible and down to earth personality, and not overly spoiled or self-centered like some people flaunting their fortunes like a slap in everybody's face. Anyway, he's is absolutely qualified in the list of swoon worthy male love interests - overqualified in my opinion actually. Also, it's a big thumbs up when he realized Serena is entirely way different from his ex, way out of league in fact. It's really aww-triggering with the way he views about and shows his affection to Serena — I mean I imagine he would literally lick on the ground that she walked on as if she's his Goddess and stuff. That moment when it finally came to him that his love for ex is nothing but a puppy love compared his genuine love for Serena is so heart throbbing (le sigh another man rising the bar high) So much fluff, ah XD ♡

On the other hand, Serena is so pure at heart. Definitely would want to hug close and keep in my pocket if that's how it works lol. She's truly a gem and one of a kind soul despite her upbringing. I bow down to her for staying independently strong and for not giving up on life when psychological distress is thrown at her. She is already mature enough by the time she fought and stood for the sake of her well-being. She has my massive thumbs up for a massive character growth. It's was pretty impressive honestly. I clearly see that she has come far, from the beginning of the story till the end. I'm so glad she finally freed herself from her past and from her negative thoughts. She is someone perfect for River and River is someone perfect for her. Match made in heaven indeed! 

There is barely any toxicity in this relationship. I mean, they do have misunderstandings and fights but they're nothing that leads to an unhealthy relationship. Give them a bit of time to think, then they would naturally fix it.

Moving onto the best part, Author is so brilliant and downright amazing. Her work is one of those times again when I just started the first chapter that I completely and utterly fell in love with the book! Her writing style is so great I couldn't get enough of it. Didn't regret sparing some of my sleeping time just to see of more of the book. From the beginning till the very end, the story is everything! Plot-wise, solid storyline, good balance of drama, humor and cuteness (fluff), great characterization, great story and character development, narration is so satisfying... -oh gosh, WHOLESOME to be in short XD This definitely goes to my all time favs and worth rereading again in the future. 

For real though... personally speaking, author's work deserves so much more recognition. It's underrated. This is a whole bundle, you don't wanna miss this out! ♡♡

So I repeat, hands down one of the best books *chef kiss* I've ever read. I strongly recommend you check this out and give it a try! 

. . .

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