Sweet as You ♡

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Author:  Aileedales

Genre/Theme: General Romance; Billionaire; Heiress

Some Tags: ceo, cute, drama, heartwarming

Status: Complete

|  S U M M A R Y  |

Cade Parkinson preferred his life in black and white. And when a spoiled heiress barged in and started spreading colors to it, he didn't like it one bit. He doesn't want anything to do with her. Especially after catching their partners cheating on them together. Even with his efforts of fending her off, she seems to be having fun messing with his rigid timetable.

He figured she will eventually tire of coaxing a smile out of him every waking day. While waiting though - for her to get back together with her jerk of a boyfriend - he finds himself willingly taking her in and forgetting he has knees every time she charms him with a sweet smile. He then realizes Kathie Lewis deserves more - someone better.

And he can't for the life of him stop wanting it to be him.

Note: This story is previously entitled You, At Last

Note: This story is previously entitled You, At Last

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|  R E V I E W  |

(This could be read as stand alone)

Sweet as You by Aileedales is such a refreshing story. Honest! Not saying it's a perfect book, but it's totally a beautiful work! The more I read it, the more I couldn't get enough of it. And it's mainly because of the main characters and the writing.

Cade is a breath of fresh air. He's not a bad boy, playboy, nor an egotistic kind of person. He's actually a softie hiding behind a mask. Even if he chose to do something like frustrating in the eyes of the reader (in this case - me), I couldn't really be upset with him because he's genuine. As indicated above in the summary, his life is black and white. So, he was quite understandable as the story goes on, especially when dealing with unfamiliar emotions, which were pretty much caused by Kathie. On the other hand, he was really amusing to know about. Plus, he is so obssessed with anything sweet-related foods and drink. It's one of things I find unique about him.

Kathie is another breath of fresh air. She is like a happy-virus with her personality and traits. First time I read the summary, I wondered which type of spoiled heiress does she belonged to. I appreciate that she wasn't portrayed as bitchy or the irritating kind of rich character. She's actually sweet and loveable. The effect she has on Cade is so *chef kiss*.

They are cute ♡

Overall, I loved the process of the story. The humour, fluff, bit of drama, the writing style and plot development. Although personally, I wanted to see more of them. This book had become a comfort to me. There were really no overused drama and whatnot. It's simply about two people falling in love, confessions and coming together. So all is smooth, in a way. It's just a simple yet beautiful story. And for me, simple is more.

Would recommend to check this cute-nice story of Kathie and Cade ♡


V O T E | C O M M E N T | S H A R E

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 25, 2021 ⏰

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