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Someone knocks on my door  and I let out a  groan. "What...?" I trail tiredly. " get your butt up before you end up late." Elena scolds.

Elena is my twin sister. Well fraternal twin sister.

Hence the term fraternal we look completely different but one of the many things that stand out are my green eyes and her brown ones.

The only simularities that we have are our friends and we both have the same stoner younger brother.

Yeah I'll explain that later.

I roll my eyes before laying back down ignoring her. I close my eyes trying to resume my sleep.l when I hear my door open but I ignore it pretending to be asleep.

"Wake up!" She nags shaking me and I don't answer until I feel cold air hit my body. I snap open my eyes and then narrow them at Elena who is now holding my blanket in her hand.

"What if I had been naked?" I argue sitting up and grabbing the blanket from her hand. I rest it back onto my bed. "We're twins we've literally taken baths together." She defends and I roll my eyes. "Yes when we were like two." I reply but she shrugs. "Hurry and get ready, Jenna doesn't want you to be late."

She leaves my room. "Bitch." I mutter sitting back onto my bed. "Heard that." She calls out and I could just hear her smirk.

I take a really long shower and then walk back into my room wrapped in my towel.

Come on Emmy first day back you can do this.
But if anyone asks smile and nod and as far as they know I'm fine.

After I change, I stand in front of the full length mirror admiring myself. I have on black ripped jeans with a corset top and a leather jacket topped off with calf high heeled boots.

Oh that's another thing Elena's and I's styles are kinda different. I can never ever leave the house without my leather jacket and my sunglasses and my outfits are a little more. Let's just say my style has a bit more flavor.

I glance at the family pictures on my dresser and inhale a deep breath before walking out of my room.

"Morning Family." I announce walking into the kitchen although it's just Jenna and Elena there. I walk over to Elena snatching the cup of coffee she had just made and drinking it.

"Really?" She glares which I shrug at.

Emmy 1 Elena 1

"Do you need anything else a number two pencil what am I missing." Aunt Jenna asks from her spot behind the counter.

I lean over the counter trying to figure out what she's doing. "Jenna we're fine." I assure her still sipping from the coffee i stole. Ha ha.

" what about lunch money?"

Jeremy walks into the kitchen and basically grabs the money. I look over at him from the corner of my eye. "You gona buy more weed with that?" I chime sarcastically and Elena's elbow connects with my rib.

"Ow!" I whisper shout then raise my hands in innocence. "Fine too soon.." i trail earning glares from everyone. "Oops." I mutter before snatching a twenty dollar bill from Jeremy's hand.

Emily Gilbert- the supernatural sister ( tvd fancficWhere stories live. Discover now