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The images flash through my head as I speed to wherever my body is taking me. There is no way that this is safe.

The cut that healed on Stefan's hand, Damon's quick reflexes, the animal attacks. Everything made sense.
I stop my car and get out. Suddenly my mind is mine again. I look out in front of me and I'm at the boarding house.

Fuck this place is creepy.

Damn this place was big and creepy from the outside. It's like one of those buildings that you'll see in a horror movie. Or a nightmare. Wait  am I dreaming. No I can't be. Maybe I should pinch myself.

Ok nope ouch definitely not dreaming.

Even though I had control again I could still remember all the things that I had just seen.
I walk up to the door knocking on it. Should I even be doing this. What if he kills me.

I go to knock again but midway the door opens and I'm greeted by Stefan with a confused frown.

This should be interesting.
Somewhere in the back of my mind I'm still trying to figure out what happened, how did my body just take control.

I look past him into the house and it's exactly what I just imagined. It was basically a mansion that you'll find in a 2000's horror movie.

"Emily?" Stefan calls again snapping me out of my daze and i look back at him. Oh yeah... vampires... blah blah blah.

"Oh ok.... so. Vampires huh?" I ask bluntly. It wasn't really a question though. It was more a statement made to sound like a question.

He hesitates then furrows his eyebrows at me. "I don't know what you're talking about... " he lies.  "Are you okay." Asks fakely.

I fold my arms over my chest looking at him. "Don't lie... that's why the cut disappeared." He shakes his head with a chuckle. "No.. no i told you that wasn't my blood." He tries to convince and i tilt my head. "So... if i just found a piece of wood and happened to stab you. Right in the heart..." i trail pretending to do that and I make this small explosion noise with my mouth. " you wouldn't turn all gray and veigny and... i guess die." I comment with an innocent shrug and a fake confused look.

He doesn't answer, or say anything.

----- ----

I sit inside across from Stefan inside on the sofa with a smug smirk. "Oh it wasn't my blood I'm fine.." i mock in my best Stefan voice. It wasn't that good.   "Ha as if... sorry Stef but I'm not as gullible as my sister." I shrug tilting my head to the side.  Sorry for the names calling Lena.

Is it the best idea to be alone in a house of vampires. Probably not but I know what I'm doing.

Now may also be a good time to mention to y'all that I'm a witch. I know weird right. That's what I thought too when things would just explode when I touched them but I have control now, I'm not gona kill anyone. Hopefully. That'll be weird.

The only person that knows though is Jeremy and it needs to stay that way so...

Shit this place was so freaking big.

Emily Gilbert- the supernatural sister ( tvd fancficWhere stories live. Discover now