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I shoot up with a gasp and look around. I had another nightmare. Well at least I'm not waking up screaming anymore.

"Hey, look who's finally up." Damon announces walking out of the bathroom. He's wearing jeans and no jersey. He's.... okay nevermind.

Wait why am I in Damon's bed.

"Where's Elena?" I ask.

"She's still downstairs watching over Stefan." He says walking over to his dresser. My heart is still beating fast from my nightmare and I lay back on the bed.

"Another nightmare?" He questions. "Yep." I groan.

"Do you have any aspirin? Actually no scratch that you have any cheetos?" I question and he chuckles a little. "If you mean if your stash is still there." He pauses and then smirks. "no it's not." He add and I roll my eyes getting off of the bed.

"I'm going downstairs." I sigh. "Before I hurt you." I add narrowing my eyes at him.

I walk down into the cellar and Stefan is either just laying there or unconscious and Elena is standing there watching him with a pained expression on her face. "It's so hard to see him locked up like this." She starts, leaning her head back against the wall. " you're the one who locked him up." Damon chimes walking down to where we are.

Woah Stefan has Tattoo that's cool as hell. How did I never notice this?

When did he even come downstairs.

"You helped." Elena shoots back.

"I couldn't have him running around chewing on people. While the town was looking for vampires, now, could I?"

Elena furrows her eyebrows at him in a disbelief way. "It had nothing to do with you actually caring about him?"

"Your thing, not mine." He flashes a tight smile before walking off.

I roll my eyes turning back to Elena. " i brought you some clothes by the way." I tell her and she nods. "So are you finally going to sleep in an actual bed?"

"I'm fine here." She says and I get up.

I don't bother going to the kitchen and instead I go to the living room where Damon is and he's looking at this weird object thing.

Apparently John wants it for some reason and was tryna blackmail him.

"Did you ever figure out what that is?" I question walking over.

His back is to me and he's examining the thing. "Nope." He answers. "Whatever it is, it doesn't work."

"Pearl didn't say anything else about it?" Elena asks coming out of nowhere ask. "She thought she was stealing his vampire compass, but that was a pocket watch." He replies. "That Johnathan Gilbert was a crazy scientist." He says and I make a huff noise at his statement.

He turns his head a little now looking at us. "Have either you spoken to your uncle lately?"

"Well the most I've told him is 'screw you, please leave and I don't like you. Plus I've been here most nights." I shrug. "So you'll be here again tonight?" He asks and I sit on the couch. "Probably. Is that a problem?"

He angles his body to me nodding. "Yes." He says. "You're a complete nuisance."

"Whatever. I'll see you later." I say while laughing and I get up from the couch and walk out the door.

Frick my car is not here. Whatever I'll walk.

As I reach the house, I walk inside and up to my room. I change my clothes. After that I pack some extra clothes for myself and then lay down on my bed. I didn't exactly get the best sleep last night. I close my eyes but the memories from that day flash in my mind and I gasp as I open my eyes. It's not real Emmy he's dead okay it's fine you're safe.

Emily Gilbert- the supernatural sister ( tvd fancficWhere stories live. Discover now