I'm sorry

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Jenna locks herself in her bedroom and Elena and I press our faces to the door. "Jenna, you have to talk to us. I...I need to explain what's going on. Jenna, please" I beg but she doesn't answer and I could hear her sobs on the other side of the door causing tears to roll out of my eyes

-- --

I woke up a few minutes ago and Jenna still hasn't come out of her room or even talked to us but right now I'm downstairs watching one tree hill but the doorbell rings.

"Elena! The door." I shout upstairs. She runs downstairs but then narrows her eyes at me. "You were here the whole time?" She accuses and I shrug making her roll her eyes as she goes towards the door.

I stay watching my show until I hear Ric's voice. "Is she up yet?" He asks walking into the living room. "She won't come out of her room."

"What'd you tell her?"

"Nothing. She won't talk to us." I answer. "We're gonna have to fix this." Ric sighs. I finally get off the couch when I see Jenna coming down the stairs. I look at her not really knowing what to expect. "Hey." Elena greets. Ric gives her this apologetic look. "Jenna."

"I don't want you here, Ric. You need to go."

"Okay, listen. I can't begin to imagine what you must be feeling right now." He starts and she scoffs. "Rage and betrayal would pretty much cover it."

She puts on her jacket and takes her bag up and I furrow my eyebrows at her. "Where are you going?"

"I'm going to stay on campus. I have a thesis to write, and I don't want to be in this house." She replies. "Jenna, please just stop." Ric pleads. "Let us explain to you exactly what is going on."

"Emily,  I need you to go to the Lockwood's today and accept the Historical Society's check for your mom's foundation."

Damn that one hurt. Very few times Jenna calls me Emily and it's never good.

"Okay, but, Jenna, please just.." I start but she cuts be off. "I don't have it in me to hear any more lies from you." She leaves and walk out of the door.

Fuck this whole life.

John comes out of nowhere and he has the worst possible timing. "Let her go. It's better that she's not here, what with everything that's going on." He says. "but maybe had you been a little more honest with her from the beginning, this..." he continues but before he could finish Ric punches him in his face and my eyes basically light up in amusement while I try to hide my smile.

Ric looks between Elena and I with an apologetic look. "Sorry."

"Feel free to take another go." I shrug and he walks out of the house. "You know this is your fault, right?" Elena accuses at John who's still holding his face. "Right." He mutters. Elena storms off upstairs and I glare at John. "You're a really shitty person." I say and then go back to my seat on the couch watching my show.

There's a knock at the door and I get up and open it. Vicki standing outside and she looks upset about something. "What's wrong?" I as stepping aside for her to come in.

"Matt knows." She says walking in. I tilt my head at her narrowing my eyes in a confused way. "Knows what?"

"Everything." She answers. "Crap."

"Yeah, he was at Caroline's and I don't know what happened but now he knows everything and no one can find him." She explains. "I'll try to call him. Are you okay?"

"He's freaking scared of me, my brother is scared of me Em and I can't compell him because I have no freaking idea where he is."

I take out my phone and dial Matt's number while Vicki and I walk upstairs. The call goes straight to voicemail. "Hey um where are you? Call me when you get this."

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