He loves me he loves me not

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I turn my head and it hurts in fact my whole body is sore. Oh god.

I open my eyes and someone basically jumps on me. "What the fuck?" I breathe out but as my vision gets clearer I notice it's Elena hugging me. "Oh god. Emmy are you okay?" She asks. "God my head hurts. How much did I drink?" I whine. "Emmy come on get it together, we were kidnapped." She blurts and it all finally snaps into place. Oh yeahh. That makes sense.

"Again." I groan. I look around and we're in a house there's a guy watching over us. He's kinda cute.

"What do you want?" Elena asks him but he shushes her. Not gona lie I'm a little greatful that he did that because everytime she talks my head hurts.

"Please, I'm hurt and Emmy's bleeding." She pleads. Wait I am? I feel around my face and my head and wince as I finally find the spot. Now that's gona bruise.

"I know. Just a taste." He smirks he vamps speeds over to me and leans in towards my wound. "Don't even." I warn. His fangs extend but someone stops him. She has a thick English accent. "Trevor! Control yourself." She demands and he pulls away still looking at me. "Buzz kill." He rolls his eyes and leaves the room.

The girl looks between Elena and I. She has short hair but it's kinda like... um oh yeah Alice from twilight. Yep that's who and she has a really nice English accent but that's not important right now.

"What do you want with us?" I question sitting up. "Oh my god." She breathes out. "You look just like them."
"God not this again." I groan out. "But we're not, please whatever-" Elena start begging but the lady stops her. " Be quiet!"

"But I'm not Katherine. My name is Elena Gilbert; you don't have to do this." Elena continues. Oh my god Lena just listen and be quiet. She is going to get us both in trouble.

"I know who you are, I said be quiet." The lady demands. "What do you want?" Elena asks again and this time the lady slaps her hand across Elena's face making her fall unconscious. "Elena!" I scream."You bitch." I insult. I get up to go over to Elena's couch but the lady pushes me back down which hurts my head. "I swear to-" I start. "What? What will you do. You don't have your power." She says. "Witch hazel doesn't work on me." I tell her and she smirks. "I know. That's why we have that good stuff, mountain ash and witch hazel." She says. Oh fuck.

She leaves the room and I go over to the couch that Elena's on.

Okay so that's why it hurt so bad when whoever injected me. Why do they know all of this information. Wait why are we even here.

About I don't know how much time but it felt like at least an hour but maybe it's less than that. Elena's still knocked out and I hear the people still talking. "How's the girls?" She asks. "Still passed out and the other one's just staring into space." He says.

"You didn't touch them? Did you?" She questions him. "Give me some credit. So, you called him?"

I zone out for a second trying to figure put who "him" is. What the hell is this?

When I try to pay attention again I can barely hear so I walk closer to where the voice are coming from. "Did you or did you not get the message to Elijah?" The male voice asks.

Who the fuck is Elijah.

I start carefully walking up the steps. "So that's it Trevor. He either got it or he didn't. We just have to wait." She tells him. "Look, it's not too late. We can leave it here. We don't have to go through with this." The guy is clearly nervous about something. "I'm sick of running!" The girl shouts. The guy scoffs. "Yeah? Well, running keeps us from dying."

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