The Sacrifice

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"Promise me you won't do anything stupid." He says and instead of saying anything I kiss him, it not the usual and he probably realizes. I have no idea what Nik has planned this can be the last time I see Damon.

"Promise me Emmy." He urges but before I can say anything Tyler growls again and I turn to leave. As I walk further and further his hands slide out of mine and I run out of the woods.

Slight problem is I don't exactly know where I'm going but then a path of fire lights up and I assume it's for me to follow so I follow it.

I follow all the way to the quarry. I glance around and Elena on the floor but she's talking to someone and I run over to her. "Jenna." I breathe out as I see her laying there unconscious. No why is she here?

"What's happening why is- what's wrong?" I question to Elena. Before she could answer Jenna wakes up with a loud gasp, holding her head. Oh my god no no no.

I touch her hand and gasp as I see the visions. Klause is going to use her.

"Jenna what the hell happened?" Elena asks. I want to say something but I can't there's too many things running through my mind.

"You called me. You were so scared." She starts but she sighs in defeat when she sees Elena's expression. "Oh, ah, I should have realized that it wasn't you. The second I walked out of the house, someone grabbed me. A vampire."

"Klaus. It was Klaus." Elena realizes. "He made me drink his blood. And I don't...I don't remember anything after that." She continues. She stops still on the floor and looks around anxiously. "Where are we? What happened?"

"We're at the quarry. He brought us here." I finally find the words to explain. She furrows her eyebrows at the both of us worriedly. "Why don't I remember anything?"

"Jenna, do you remember...When I told you how someone becomes a vampire?" Elena asks. "Yeah, if you die with vampire blood in your system, it's..." she starts but then her eyes widen in realization and alarm. "Oh, god. He killed me."

"Jenna, listen to me." Elena tries to bring her attention back to her. She grabs her hand comfortingly. "Listen to me; everything's going to be okay. I'm going to get you out of here."

No it's not. Everything is not going to be okay and everyone just needs to stop lying and saying that, because nothing is going to be fine.

"I'm a vampire?" She breathes out. "And I bet you're hungry." A curly haired girl announces walking over to us. She has brown eyes and a dark complexion and she's a witch.

I notice Elena looking around on the ground and then she sails through the air landing on the floor. I get up facing the lady and I go to do something. "Wouldn't do that if I was you." She warns. "And why not?" I question tilting my head at her and she looks back. I follow her gaze and I see two people, one is....Vicki? And Jay?

Vicki's unconscious and he's carrying her. I brush past the girl and rush over to them. "What's wrong with her?" I question. "Emmy I'm really sorry but I had to." Jay apologizes and I pull back a little flashing a confused frown. "What?" I mutter.

"I owed him okay, I didn't have a choice." He rests Vicki on the floor. I don't know why I'm having a hard time processing this.

"How have you not turned?" I ask since the full moon has risen and he should be transforming.

"It's amazing what a good witch can do, isn't it?" Nik questions walking out of the woods. "Oo no luv don't get offended, I would've asked you but...." he trails and then shrugs.

"Why would- we- we did everything you asked, why do you need Jenna?!" I shout. "Well it was either her or your little blond friend....any idea where she disappeared too?"

Emily Gilbert- the supernatural sister ( tvd fancficWhere stories live. Discover now