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I'm gona be a bitch today.

It's not like I want to but I didn't sleep well last night. You know what doesn't mix well together? Storms, lightning, thunder, nightmares about Eileen and a pair of freaking glowing eyes in your front yard.

Those stuff don't mix well together so did I sleep? Nope. And then this morning when the storm died down I finally fell asleep. There were multiple calls from Damon. Yep Damon. I didn't answer any of them but every single time my phone would just buzz.

Buzz buzz buzz.

There it is again. Yay how nice. "What the hell do you want?" I ask harshly as I press the answer button. "Morning to you too princess." He shoots back ans I roll my eyes. "Why have you been calling me."

"PTA meeting at the house. Bring your sister." He says and before I could ask anymore questions the line goes dead.

I throw my phone somewhere on the bed and haul my ass up. Hmm what to wear what to wear.

I'm tired but I can't be sleep deprived, possibly acting like a bitch and not look hot cause  then that's just not it. You know what I mean.

Okay screw that it's just the boarding house.

I put on black leggings with beat up converse a white crop top and A leather jacket.

I knock on Elena's door after I exit my room and I hear her groan

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I knock on Elena's door after I exit my room and I hear her groan. "Get your ass up." I scold and she doesn't answer so I open her door and walk inside before ripping her covers off of her. "Get up. We gotta go to the boarding house." I sing song and she narrows her eyes at me. "Your mean this morning." She mutters and I flash her a wide smile. "Really? Cause that's kind of the look I was going for today." I shrug and then sigh. "Get up before you have to drive yourself and you know your drive record is not very good."

She lets out a loud breathy groan and get out of the bed rubbing her eyes. "Great let's go." I urge. "I have to change." She answers back not very nicely and I leave the room to let her change.

10, 9, 8, 7, 6, 5, 4, 3, 2, 1.

"I'm leaving with or without you." I shout from downstairs and I hear her door open. "I'm ready." She deadpans pouting as she walks downstairs and I flash her a smile just to irritate her.

"How do you even know we have to go to the boarding house?" She questions as we get in the car. "Damon called." I reply and she widens her eyes at me. Not in an impressed or amused way but in a saught of concerned way.

"Is that why you're all dressed up." She shoots and I take my eyes off the road for a quick second to raise my eyebrows at her. "What is that supposed to mean. And I'm not even dressed up."

"Are you all dressed up because Damon called?" She asks.

Oh yeah she never did lecture me when she saw Damon and I kiss.

Emily Gilbert- the supernatural sister ( tvd fancficWhere stories live. Discover now