Before the sacrifice

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Elena, Stefan, Vicki and I are with Elijah talking. "Tonight is the full moon. We should assume that Klaus is prepared to break the curse." Elijah says.

Damon still hasn't come out of his room yet and we haven't talked since.

"Elena said that the Sun and the Moon curse is fake? That it's actually just a curse placed on Klaus...." Stefan trails questioningly. "Klaus is a vampire born of a werewolf bloodline. The curse has kept his werewolf aspect from manifesting. But if he breaks it...He'll be a true hybrid." Elijah explains.

Damon walks into the room joining us. "Then why are we letting him break the curse? We can kill him today. With Bonnie." He chimes in. "Damon..." Stefan trails warningly.

"I agree with Damon." Vicki adds. "No." I disagree. "Bonnie can't use that much power without dying."

"We'll write her a great eulogy." Vicki comments and I narrow my eyes at both of them. "Not an option."

"Even if it was, we don't even know what he looks like or where he is." Stefan says.

"Well other than the fact that we now have Elijah on our side I need to say something ... about that..." I trail and everyone looks at me. "What do you mean Emmy?" Stefan urges. "There may be a small chance that I know him." I say.

"You know Klaus?" Elijah asks. "What do you mean? How?" Stefan questions and I clear my throat awkwardly. "Let's just say I've spent some... uh time with him." I say.

Stefan furrows his eyebrows and then gasps. "You really have a type don't you?" He throws. Damn okay then sassy Stefan.

"You're one to talk Mr fell in love with a girl and years after fell in love with her look alike." I shoot back.

"No offense lena." I add. "So you dated Klaus?" Vicki chuckles and then smirks looking at Damon. "Huh, Stef's right, you do have a type."

Damon is the only person who doesn't say anything. "Okay..." I try to change the topic. "how do we break this curse?"

"Well, the ritual itself is relatively straightforward. The ingredients, so to speak, you already know." Elijah continues. "The moonstone." Stefan lists. "A witch will channel the power of the full moon to release the spell that's bound within the stone. After that, Klaus, being both werewolf and vampire, will sacrifice one of each."

"And where does Elena slash Emmy hopefully Elena fit into this?" Vicki asks and Elena shoots a glare at her. "The final part of the ritual." He takes a wooden box off of a shelf. "Klaus must drink the blood of the doppelgä the point of your death."

I feel Damon's eyes on me but I don't look at him. "This is an elixir that I acquired some 500 years ago for Katerina. It possesses mystical properties of resuscitation." He explains taking the small jar out of the box.

"That's your plan? A magical witch potion with no expiration date? Even if this made any sense, this in only for one person." Damon argues. "Well yeah and we've decided that Elena gets it." I breathe out.

"What? Why should she." Vicki adds in. "Because we don't think Klaus would kill me and also if he does I'm immortal."

"Why because you slept with him, he a psychopath he'll kill you." Vicki says and I scoff. "Uh... rude, I did not sleep with him."

"You can use John's ring." Damon suggests. "It doesn't work on supernaturals."

"I'll take those odds over your elixir." He says and his expression softens. "What if it doesn't work, Emmy?"

Damon huffs looking at me with disbelief and he leaves the room.

"Get out!" I hear someone shouts. I recognize the voice as Jenna's and we all run towards the noise. In the front there's Jenna with a crossbow aimed at Ric.

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