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Change of plans. I'm going to the boarding house because apparently Katherine told Caroline the same thing she told me and Caroline's pretty shaken up. If I'm being honest though, Katherine doesn't scare me, I don't know why.

I put on black leggings and a cropped red tank top and pair it with my leather jacket and heels ankle boots and then leave.

I knock on the door of the boarding house and for a place with about four vampires inside people take really long to answer the door

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I knock on the door of the boarding house and for a place with about four vampires inside people take really long to answer the door.

"Emmy, finally." Caroline breathes out and I walk inside to the living room. Sitting there are Stefan, Vicki and Damon. Where's Elena? Wait is she at home? Was I supposed to bring her. Oh well.

"So, Katherine wants the moonstone why is everyone surprised?" I question. Stefan is still in his own little world. "She wants to do it in public. Killing Mason threw her off guard." He states. "She's running scared. What she did to Jenna was desperate. She's out of tricks" Damon adds. "Okay I think y'all are ahead yourselves I don't think she's out of tricks." I chime in.

"can't underestimate her. We have to play this smarter than her." Stefan agrees and I see Vicki flash a confused look. "Can we just give her the moonstone so she'll leave?" She asks. "No, Katherine's not getting dick. I've had it. I'm gonna go to the masquerade ball and I'm gonna kill her, tonight." Damon snaps. "You're not gonna kill her." Stefan tells him and he rolls his eyes. "Don't give me that goody-goody crap."

God just let him kill her. It's not like it's gona work.

"You're not gonna kill her." Stefan repeats. Damon tilts his head at him. "Really?"

"Because I am." Stefan says. "Well that was a plot twist." I chuckle and they both glare at me.

No one is really paying attention which means I can now start plan B which is my plan because a Stefan and Damon plan never works.

I sneak upstairs and go into Damon's room. Frick now I have to find a whole moonstone. Where the hell would Damon put it. I walk around his room rummaging through everything and it's nowhere to be found. The only place I didn't check is the bathroom so I go in there. God it smells really nice in here. It smells like Damon. Emmy focus.

I look around and it doesn't take long because I find it. Really Damon? That's where you put it.

It was in a freaking soap dish thingy. I mean it does kinda look like soap but really bro.

I take it and walk back into his main bedroom and lucky me, Damon is right there. "What are you doing?" He asks. "Uh..stuff?" I lie poorly. "So what you hiding?" I roll my eyes and hold up the moonstone and he furrows his eyebrows at me. Should I tell him. Actually no because everyone ruins plans.

"Phasmatos Lacus."

"Why did you just do?" He questions glancing around. I remove my hands from behind my back showing that it's empty. "Oopsies." I smirk. "Why are you doing this?" He scoffs and he turns to probably vamp speed to everyone else but I restrain him. "Look. You're not gona tell anyone about this." I say. I place my hand on his head and close my eyes and then open them.

Emily Gilbert- the supernatural sister ( tvd fancficWhere stories live. Discover now