Sexy suds.

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I open my eyes groaning as i sit up in my bed. I immediately lay back down when my head starts pounding.

God i am never drinking again.

I finally get up with a loud groan and walk to the bathroom. "Hey vick." I greet opening the medicine cabinet to get my aspirin but I pull back.

Wait a second... huh?!.

"I--I'm sorry, I'm almost done." She announces. My eyes widen with surprise and then narrow in confusion. Did they... did she.. eww no.  I look over at her, oversized Jersey, underwear. Oh fuck they did. Oh my god ew ew ew. "I- uh.. it's fine... I'm gona go." I back up slowly and as I'm out of sight i run down the stairs. Bad idea. Now I'm queasy.

I run into the kitchen where I see Elena and Jenna. "Ok... did anyone else see Vicki in her underwear and Jeremy's clothes... cause i just did." I whisper shout. Elena turns to Jenna who is weirdly calm.

How.. but she was mad when she thought Matt and Tyler slept in my room.

I furrow my eyebrows turning to Jenna. Why was she so chill. " have no objection to this?" I argue. "He could be craftier about it, at least make an effort to sneak her in and out." She shrugs. What the heck. "But... she's my best friend and she is also 18." I argue. "By the way where is the aspirin?"

Jenna gives a disapproving look then turns back to the counter. "It's in the bathroom." She answers. "With Vicki." Elena whispers smirking. "How about you go call Stefan." I shoot back.

"Knock it off." Jenna scolds. "Oh, and just so you know, I won't be home for dinner." Jenna informs.

I flash her a smile. "so you're actually going to do it. " i wiggle my eyebrows at her. "You're gonna go out with Logan."

"I'm going to show up and torture him, yes. " she smirks before turning to Elena. "And have you heard from Stefan?" She questions. Elena breathes out a sigh. "Not since he left that very vague message three days ago." She rolls her eyes. "Hi, um, Elena, I, um, have something I have to do. I'll, uh, explain in a few days." Lena mocks in her best Stefan voice. Damn

I indeed did hear from Stefan. And by that i mean he vamped jumped into my window in the middle of the night. Apparently he locked Damon in some cellar under their house. Like if they couldn't get any creepier.

"I'll be upstairs, y'all talk too freaking loud." I walk off.

I finish bathe and walk into my room. What should i wear.

Why do i even have to go to school today.

Oh shit. I'm gona throw up aren't I?

I go back and brush my teeth again and then change my clothes. I put on black ripped jeans a cream top and my leather jacket. Oh can't forget my shades and converse.

 Oh can't forget my shades and converse

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